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Rinnoji Temple used to be Holy Land of mountain worship together with Nikko Futaarasan Shrine 
from the Nara Age (710 - 794) . After Nikko Toshogu Shrine was built in the Edo Age (1603 - 1868) , 
these shrines and the temple became the subjects of faith.

From the Shinkyo Bridge, you will approach to Rinnoji Temple through stone steps. At the entrance 
of the stone steps along the main street, you will find the stone monument of the world heritage of 
"Shines and Temples of Nikko".

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In front of Rinnoji Temple, the statue of Saint Shodo (735 - 817) is located. It is said that Saint Shodo opened Rinnoji in 766.

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Behind the statue of Saint Shodo, you will see "Sanbutsudo" Hall on the stone steps. To the left of 
stone steps, the "Kuromon" Gate is located. "Kuromon" Gate was built in 1645 and is designated 
as an important property of Japan.

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Rinnoji Temple worships three Nikko Mountains. These are Mt. Nantai, Mt. Nyoho and Mt. Taro. 
In the "Sanbutsudo" Hall, three Buddha statues related to these three mountains are enshrined.

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