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Edo Castle was the capital of the "Edo Balufu", the central government of Japan, 
and where "Shogun"s lived in the Edo Age (1603 - 1868).
Edo Castle was one of the biggest castles in the world.

The ruins of EDO castle are located at Marunouchi in Tokyo, just west to Tokyo Station. 
The East Garden of the Imperial Palace used to be the main beilay, and is now open to the public.

As Edo Castle is very huge, it will be introduced to dseparete three times.

The main entrance of Edo Castle was the "Ote-Mon" Gate. 
"Ote-Mon" Gate is now the main gate of the East Garden.

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The "Ote-Mon" Gate is located at the third bailey.
You need to pass through a couple of gates from the third bailey to the main bailey.

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The above picture shows the site of the "Nakanomon" Gate, which is the entrance of the main bailey.
After passing through the "Nakanomon" Gate, you will climb the slop and will reach the main beiley.
You may understand how the main bailey were strictly protected in the Edo Age.

Grass field widely spreads in the main bailey. 
From the top of the foundation of the castle tower, you will see 
the skyline of Tokyo behind the widely spread grass field. 
Modern buildings and grass fields are good contrast.

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To the north of the main bailey just behind the foundation of the castle tower, 
"Kita Hanebashi Mon" Gate is located. This was the back gate of Edo Castle.

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White mud walls, steep slope of the stone wall and scenery to look down on the inner moat
remind you Edo Castle in the Edo Age.

When the Edo Age was finished, many of buildings in the Edo Castle were destroyed. 
In the main bailey, only two original buildings remain.

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During the Edo Age, Edo Castle was the center of Japan, both in name and reality. 
Now, the main bailey is open to the public. 
On the grass field, people are enjoying beautiful atmosphere in peace under sunshine.

For more detail, please visit the page of "Your Destinations in Japan", "Your Destinations in Kanto"

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