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Iwashimizu-Hachiman Shrine was built in 859, and one of the most historical shrines in Japan.

Iwashimizu-Hachiman Shrine is located on Mt. Otokoyama in Yawata City, Kyoto Prefecture, 
near the boarders between Kyoto and Osaka Prefectures. 
From the Yawata-Shi Station, there is a cable car access to Iwashimizu-Hachiman Shrine.

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From the Otokoyama-Sancho Station located on the top of Mt. Otokoyama, 
you can easily reach to Iwashimizu-Hachiman Shrine.

The atmosphere of the approach of the shrine was very solemn. 
At the end of the approach, you will see the main gate of the shrine.

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When you pass through the main gate, you will see "Honden", the main shrine buildings. 
The main building was rebuilt in 1639 by the third "Shogun" TOKUGAWA Iemistu (1604 - 1651) . 

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The main shrine buildings are designated as national treasures of Japan.

Iwashimizu-Hachiman Shrine is very well-known for Japanese, not only it's history, 
but also the well-known essay, "Tsuredure-Gusa", written by YOSHIDA Kenko
 (1283? - 1352?), at the end of the Kamakura Age (1185 - 1333).



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