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Iwamura Castle was originally built in 1185, at the end of the Heian Age (794 - 1185) , 
by KATO Kagekado. 
As Iwamura Castle was located at the boundary of the territories of ODA Family and TAKEDA Family,
a couple of battels were held between them in the late of 16th century.

If you walk to the ruins of Iwamura Castle through Iwamura Castle Town, you will see the re-built 
castle buildings just after passing the castle town.

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The main gate, a castle tower and a warehouse of Iwamura Castle were re-built in 1990. 
These buildings remains you an atmosphere of Iwamura castle in the Edo Age (1603 - 1868).

From the re-built castle buildings, a steep slope continues to the main bailey of the Iwamura Castle, located at the top of Mt. Shiroyama.
On the way, you will see a couple of ruins of gates covered with stone walls.

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After passing through the "Otemon" Gate, you are in the third bailey of Iwamura Castle.

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Approximately 20 to 30 minutes walking from the historical museum at the foot of the mountain, you will see the six stairs of stone walls, which were built at the end of the Muromachi Age (1336 - 1573). 
The six stairs of stone walls are the symbol of the ruins of Iwamura Castle.

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Time after time, all the castle buildings were lost, and only stone walls remain in the mountain.

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From the main bailey, you will see the Central Japan Alps mountains in the distance. 
They were covered by snow in the late fall and were shining in white, as if peace has continued for a long time, even since the history of Japan started.





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