The page of "Rokuonji Temple" in Kyoto as "Your Destination in Japan" now has been uploaded:

Rokuonji Temple is known as "Golden Pavilion" in English or "Kinkakuji" in Japanese.
Rokuonji was originally a villa of FUJIWARA-NO Kintsune, who was a novel person at the end of the Kamakura Age.

On the north of "Kyokochi" Pond, you will see Kinkaku,"Golden Pavilion".

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This pavilion is the symbol of wealth and power of Shogun ASHIKAGA Family.
Late 14th century was peak of power of the ASHIKAGA-Family.
So, ASHIKAGA-NO Yoshimitsu was able to build the most gorgeous pavilion in Japan.

Golden Pavilion burned down due to arson in 1950.
Original Golden Pavilion was a national treasure of Japan.
This arson was very much shocking tragedy and Golden Pavilion was rebuilt just five years later.

On the small hill behind of Golden Pavilion, "Sekkatei" is located.
"Sekkatei" was a tea-ceremony house which was built during the Edo Age.
When I visited there, Japanese tea was available.

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鹿苑寺は金閣寺 "Golden Pavilion"で知られています。
