today, finally I got my Arkhelism 2, after order it 1 month (more a few days) orz
it's seller fault, I bought it from seller in my county, because my friends recommended it
yeah, it's cheaper than other CD store, but...
I regret!
too long for waiting しょぼん

forget it!


it's must be totally awesome! of course, it's more better than previous album
and I keep repeating all songs for a long day and night too (笑)
luckily it's holiday time...

I don't know how many I recharge my handphone in a day 得意げ

Arkashmir (02.01)
good opening

in control (03.23)
opening with great guitars! ニコニコ and Juri's voice, success made me crying happily ラブラブ!
but, it's reminds me of previous album, however I love it

Save your soul (02.40)
may I cry again?
they re-explore (it's India, desert or Persian music style?) again ラブラブ!
it's wonderful song!

Punhado (03.30)
when I watch Deluhi LIVE, usually I skip part of drum solo, it's not because I don't like it, but I don't understand how appraise "ah, drum solo was good"
and I don't know about technique in drumming (_ _。)
somehow I don't skip Punhado, though I don't know anything, but I love it ドキドキ
sounds like India song? maybe I'm wrong (笑)

Stay with... (03.50)
almost 2 years I didn't hear Juri's clear voice! In 'mellow' song! so, I don't have any reason for skip this song!
(seems my tears falling again)
I love synth and guitars melody in this song, the lyric too ラブラブ!
and I think his pronunciation more better than before...

Skymermaid (04.13)
IMO, it's cute song (´□` )
particularly in the reff! so cute ( >▽<)ー♪

Where I Stand (03.43)
I guess it must be a rock or metal song because Leda who makes it, but I'm wrong!
seems Leda wants to make something different, playing with other genre 音譜
it sounds different but incredible!

Mongolian Death Punch (02.21)
another drum solo that I like it!

Straight to the sun (04.11)
I like it, but maybe previous track I heard incredible songs, so when I playing this song, I say "ah, just like this?"
but, when I start my playlist from this song, I thought "it sounds nice, eh"

That Time (05.16)
aaahー! acoustic guitars? Juri's voice?
THIS IS MY FAVORITE SONG even within 5 seconds when I hear it for first time!ラブラブ!
this song success make me crazy... ahahahahaニコニコ
I'm serious! this song make me crazy, and I smile in livelong day o(〃^▽^〃)o
and my mom wonders about that, ahahaha....


recently, some my favorite bands announce they will disband, the members left the band etc
and others still continue, release single, album or DVD LIVE

but I'm not interesting at all!
I mean, the released stuff

they who continued till now, likely will play in 'save mode' with their music style.
just like and like that, honestly, I'm boring ガーン
but, when I listen this album, maybe I have to take back my opinion
Sujk writes great songs!
also Leda!

they playing with 'unusual style', I think it's like 'explore and trial'
it's good, no. It's incredible! (for me, yeah. of course)

because, IMO, in the last, the extraordinary music isn't about how an instrument controlling in a song, but how all instruments complementary to make a melodic and harmonic song. Even if 'silent melody' in mid song, it's purpose to make the harmonic and melodic song, rite?

the last, It's high recommended album!!

おやすみなさい ぐぅぐぅ