The world of sex toys is full of different colours, shapes and materials. To give you a brief overview, the most important substances are listed below with a brief japanese porn sex toy | VIVA AWA.

Sex Toy Porn

How To Use Sex Toys Porn: Acrylic glass

Acrylic glass is a hard, odorless and clear plastic that, as the name suggests, is very similar to glass. The chemical name of acrylic is polymethyl methacrylate. It is a very stable material and its flat, smooth surface makes it very easy to clean, but only with soft sponges or cloths and without alcohol, as acrylic reacts allergically to this. However, there are no known allergies or harmful properties of the material in humans, which makes it very popular in the manufacture of fine sex toys - especially dildos.

Male Sex Toy Porn: Aluminium

Aluminum should be familiar to everyone: it is a light metal with a somewhat dull sheen. The fact that pots are made of aluminum and food is wrapped in aluminum foil clearly shows that aluminum does not pose any danger. As it is a cheap metal, it is also used in the production of sex toys, where it can play to its strengths: it is easy to clean and therefore very hygienic if you clean it regularly, which is strongly recommended; There is no need to worry about allergies and it can be easily heated or cooled, which should give advanced sex toy users some extra charms.

Sex Toys For Men Porn: CyberSkin

CyberSkin is still very young material. This is a special plastic that was developed to very closely replicate the properties of human skin. The material is pleasantly soft and stretchy, it heats up slightly when used (friction) and is porous. Due to the pores, hygiene is particularly important here, a special powder that is included with each product or simple talcum powder serves this purpose.
Stainless steel
Sex toys made of stainless steel or at least with a stainless steel cover radiate a noble, cool eroticism. In addition to the elegant look, metal toys are very hygienic because they are easy to wash off and since only nickel-free sex toys made of surgical steel are allowed to be sold in Germany, there are no known allergies. It goes without saying that steel is also extremely durable and stable.
Tingling temperature effects can also be achieved with metal toys by heating or cooling the toy before use. This can be used to achieve strange, surprising and very attractive erotic effects. But the same applies here: approach slowly and use moderation – at least at the beginning.
Glass has some properties that make it a perfect material for dildos - it's not suitable for vibrators for obvious reasons. Glass is very easy to slide and is above all very hygienic, since its surface can cope with almost any cleaning agent. Allergic reactions are also not to be feared with glass. Solid glass dildos are also very strong and will not break if handled normally. Normal means: don't throw it on the stone floor! Otherwise, sex toys on glass can withstand a lot.
Rubber sex toys have the advantage of being very flexible and mobile, which makes them versatile and always exciting to use. Rubber is also quite cheap, which is why rubber toys are often cheaper. However, hygiene must be observed, especially with sex toys made of rubber. The surface is porous, which creates exciting friction but is also harder to keep clean. Regular cleaning is therefore necessary or the use of condoms in the case of dildos.

Toy Pron: Hard Plastic / PVC / Vinyl

Polyvinyl chloride, or PVC or vinyl for short, is a hard plastic that can be used in a variety of ways thanks to its durability and resilience. The material has a smooth, hard surface that is not easily attacked and can therefore be cleaned very easily. PVC is used in sex toys, especially in dildos and vibrators. Hygienic and unbreakable, hard plastic is an excellent material for "simple" toys.
The world of sex toys is so varied and diverse in terms of materials that wood should not be missing. Wood is mainly used for dildos. There are no known allergies. When buying a wooden sex toy, however, you should definitely pay attention to the quality and be prepared to spend a little more. In return, you get a real piece of jewelry that you will enjoy for a long time with the right treatment and care.
Jelly is a plastic made from PVC and so-called plasticizers, which make the otherwise hard PVC malleable. Jelly (also known as soft PVC) is an incredibly versatile material, and not just for sex toys. But with these, its strengths fully unfold: soft, flexible, cuddly, jelly is a material that is mainly used in vibrators and dildos. The smell of brand new jelly products is somewhat unpleasant, but this smell usually dissipates after a few days. During this time, the product should either be aired out well or placed in water. Lately, jelly has gotten a bit of a disrepute because it can be harmful to health. To completely rule out this danger, you can use jelly products with condoms, for example.
Latex is the name of the rubber resin and is called natural latex in its natural form. This raw material obtained from tree bark has become very valuable. In the meantime, however, it has become established that various other (natural) rubbers are sometimes referred to as latex - although strictly speaking, latex is a precursor of caoutchouc, which is a precursor of rubber. Due to the high costs, latex is often artificially produced today, but the quality of the artificial latex is in no way inferior to the real one. Latex and the products based on it have a particularly fine surface and are very stretchy (condoms). Latex products are slippery and very pleasant on the skin, they are also very easy to clean, which makes them particularly hygienic. Latex is an excellent material for sex toys, although it is often only used for the surface and the inside is foam-filled. But that doesn't matter as long as the surface remains intact.
However, people with a latex allergy have to be careful, which is not an invention of machos who don't feel like using a condom. Latex allergy sufferers should therefore find out beforehand whether the sex toy of their choice contains latex. In addition, it should not come into contact with cleaning agents that are too harsh or certain oils, as these can damage the surface.
LoveClone features "Lifelike". This means that the LoveClone is a material that feels particularly similar to real skin. Properties such as softness, elasticity, but also ease of sliding and resistance were modeled on human skin. The material is a bit softer overall, but also firmer (not harder) than similar materials, so it is often used in love dolls or artificial vaginas or in replicas of lips and mouth. LoveClone II represents a further development that makes the material even more supple and a little smoother. As always, hygiene must be observed here, and condoms are recommended for frequent use.
Nature Skin
NatureSkin is one of the "lifelike" surface materials, ie the substance was developed to reproduce the properties of human skin as realistically as possible. Temperature, gliding ability, elasticity, but also the pleasant "softness" of the skin were copied. Like all natural products, NaturSkin also requires a minimum level of hygiene. Especially with frequent use, it is advisable to use condoms to avoid allergic reactions. They're rare, but it's better to be safe than sorry.
Pure Flesh
PureFlesh is also one of the skin-like materials, it is often found in vagina replicas (so-called artificial pussies or artificial pussies) because it feels particularly realistic. As with similar products that also come into close contact with your most sensitive parts of the body: hygiene! Regular cleaning and/or the use of condoms if used frequently is recommended.
Real Feel Superskin is one of the skin-like substances and is particularly known for the product Fleshlight - the name is an allusion to the external shape of the vagina replica, which resembles a flashlight. The material is very soft and slippery and can also be used without a condom, provided there is sufficient hygiene.
Silicones are rubbery substances that can be obtained from nature. They are used in many areas, from children's toys to plastic surgery. This clearly shows their compatibility with the human body. Silicone is soft and skin-friendly, it is smooth and slippery and is very easy to wash with the right detergents, making it particularly hygienic. It is absolutely non-toxic and therefore one of the best and highest quality materials for sex toys. After all, the sex toys come into close contact with the most sensitive parts of the body, so quality is very important. Only one restriction needs to be mentioned: silicone toys should not come into contact with liquid silicone, for example in certain lubricants, as this can damage the surface.
Besides wood, stone is probably the oldest material from which dildos are made. And with good reason: sanded smooth, they are easy to clean, there are no known allergies, they are solid and beautiful to look at and look very classy. In addition, the material is also suitable for temperature games. Stone is a material that has endured for thousands of years and will continue to do so for thousands of years to come - and rightly so!
Ultra Realistic
As the name of the material already suggests, this is about pure realism. The UR-3, the current development number, is currently considered to be one of the most genuine surface materials when it comes to replicating the properties of human skin. Due to the high degree of realism, it is a very popular material for artificial vaginas and lifelike dildos. The same applies here: Observe hygiene. Especially with frequent use, it is advisable to use condoms to avoid allergic reactions. They're rare, but it's better to be safe than sorry.