~Death is my life~ My heart for you~Music Music Music!!!!
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I'm back!!

Hi everyone!!
Its long time since last I came here!! (。>0<。)

I a lot of things to tell!!

But I tell slowly (=⌒▽⌒=)

So first I receved, a few month and days, some stuff! ZE:A, AAA, SNSD, D'espairsRay, The Gazette, Rendez-vous!, Ikigami!

$~Death is my life~ My heart for you~Music Music Music!!!! $~Death is my life~ My heart for you~Music Music Music!!!! $~Death is my life~ My heart for you~Music Music Music!!!!

I'm so happy for this!! ヘ(゚∀゚*)ノ

In few days, I will receved more CD!! ニコニコ

I see big news from AAA too! Good luck for any AAA fans for become new member(‐^▽^‐)

See you soon!チョキ

I want cry!! TwT

I'm so sad! I just learned that my favorite band is separate! For me it was the greatest bands!

Good music, good musicians, and then Hizumi!

He was a legendary group!

I am all well pleased to have at least A concert with them!!

I will support whatever happens! I love them more than anything else!

I will always be with them!

They were always there for us, for us to be there for them! Show them that we shall always be with them!

As I write these lines, the tears continue to flow(T▽T;)

D'espairsRay forever! ドキドキ

$~Death is my life~ My heart for you~

So much to say ...!!

It's been so long since I last posted here, I have many things to say!

So I'll start with my new layout. You noticed that I have yet to change my header? So here it is (I'm starting top left) D'espairsRay, The GazettE, DuelJewel, AAA and KAT-TUN. These are my favorite Japanese bands! I plays all the time! にひひ

Then I watched the trilogy of "20th Century Boys"! This film is awesome! More detail on any of my livejournal here => http://seshiru-kame.livejournal.com/

I'm a big fan of Supernatural, and with my Silys' was spammed on Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr full video on the series but especially the actors! I also watched the 3 seasons that I was late (Vive la France --') in a week! So I finished the season 6 last night. Now we wait to see season 7in September.

There are five weeks, I also received my Rock One! Finally! I struggled for it, I found it nowhere! But look closely, I finally found the net =D In I had a great poster from my favorite Jrock band, D'espairsRay ラブラブ! and more posters ^^
$~Death is my life~ My heart for you~ $~Death is my life~ My heart for you~

I received a nice letter from my Silys', I had 2 letters and Photo Misako, Misha and Kazuya にひひ
2 picture of Kazuya from "Kami no Shizuku" more on my wall ドキドキ I love him ♥ 1 picture of Misako from JUNON, And, 1 picture of Misha Collins from SPN!!! I'll explain why below. xP
$~Death is my life~ My heart for you~ $~Death is my life~ My heart for you~

So I finally the new single of KAT-TUN! "WHITE". The single songs are really pretty. By cons "WHITE"is not my favorite. She is fine, but there are of much better.
$~Death is my life~ My heart for you~

Then, the new PV AAA came out! "No Cry No More. " I love the song and PV. I hope there are others in my case (^O^)/
The PV is cool and happy! I like the atmosphere there a. I also heard another track, "ID", I like not all there by cons. But I think I'll have to listen longer and mesh quality for e given a final notice. Otherwise, I look forward to hearing the single and watch the making of the clip (^O^)/
$~Death is my life~ My heart for you~

And finally, I finally updated in following the episodes of True Blood!! it did 2 years I expected more! and then finally I ended up watching them on the net. Besides, I am more in love with the person no longer Eric ( ̄▽+ ̄*). Being a fan of vampire, I could not get to rate him (>▽<) ☆.

I finally finished! This is the longest entry I did xP

Love Exposure / Ai No Mukidashi

Hi !!!!!

Yesterday, I received my DVD "Love Exposure" !!! And I don't regret my purchase! Nissy is so great in it!!

But the movie, 4h!!!

I wasn't expecting that at all and I'm not disappointed. All emotion are here.
And Nissy in pervers made me really laugh! XDD
The humor is great and some scene, enough trash are great too! (whatever the fake blood make me laugh XDD)

I advice this film!!

$Sei-MisaKame-Visu Forever

Goodbye Lullaby

Avril Lavigne new album is here!!!

$Sei-MisaKame-Visu Forever

$Sei-MisaKame-Visu Forever

Being a huge fan of Avril Lavigne from the beginning, I must say I am very happy withthis new album! It is much better than "The Best Damn Thing" the 3rd album. Less than 2 ° by its cons (which is my favorite) but very good!
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