With our free WordPress Tutorial, we would like to help you get started with the use of WordPress and give you helpful tips.

Our tutorial is divided into several parts and follows a specific sequence
  1. At the beginning we show you the installation of WordPress and give tips on the operation of the WP-Admin area
  2. Then we go into security and important plugins, which should not be missing in any installation
  3. We will show you what WordPress Themes are all about and give tips on suitable for themes for your WordPress installation
  4. Security is important, so we 'd like to give you helpful tips to improve your WordPress security
  5. Many WordPress Themes are not available in German, but can be translated with some diligence
  6. Plugins, themes, slow servers etc. all this can cause you WordPress page to be slow.
  7. Especially at the beginning many beginners make mistakes in the use of WordPress and for example the correct search engine optimization of their website. We show frequent mistakes and show how you avoid them
  8. With the help of the integrated editor you can edit the theme in WordPress and make changes to the CSS styling and the code so quickly
With nearly 20 billion pages per month, about 55 million comments and almost 35,000 plugins, WordPress is the world's most popular content management system. KeywordMonitor offers a free WordPress tutorial for beginners, which explains how to start the online process step by step.
The WordPress manual, written for beginners, currently contains 9 chapters. The first chapter explains how to install, create posts, pages, and categories as basic details. The points addressed are all in the left column of the dashboard. Pages are usually created for website content such as homepage, imprint or data protection. An imprint and data protection can be generated free of charge by means of a generator at e-recht24.de and other providers.
The second part of the WP tutorial is devoted to security and plugins. With a plug-in, nofollow attributes can be set without programming knowledge or measures for search engine optimization can be made. The feature extensions Limit Login Attempts, iThemes Security and AntiSpam Bee will be introduced, which increase security. Other interesting WordPress plugins that make life easier for beginners are provided with TinyMCE Advanced for a simplified formatting of the texts, Simple 301 Redirects for forwarding the bottoms, WP permalauts converting umlauts to letters, and Yoast SEO for search engine optimization.
In the third part, the WordPress Blog Tutorial is based on the design or themes. There are free and paid themes. The KeywordMonitor guide refers to the benefits of paid premium themes such as clean source code, flexible customization, and the ability to find a suitable design. As an additional information to the tutorial: the website WP-Speedster is informative, which gives a quick overview of the loading times of the various WordPress themes. The database includes in some 2500 free WordPress Themes. The fourth part of the Turtorial series for inexperienced bloggers refers again and somewhat more in detail to security. This includes the choice of a secure password, the importance of updates and other risks with a WordPress blog.
In the fifth step of the tutorial, the marketing experts of KeywordMonitor explain how the language settings of the theme are changed. For some designs like the Newspaper Themeforest Premium WordPress Theme, this is not required. Many free designs, however, do not contain any error-free translation in German. Instead of "Read more" a button with "Read more" appears. With the PHP editor and editing or adding po files, the WordPress tutorial provides two different and understandable application examples.
In the sixth part of the WordPress blog tutorial, learners will learn more about the optimization of the blog. Free tools such as Google PageSpeed ​​Insights to determine the loading time, WP SuperCache (alternative: WP TotalCache) and the optimizing plug-in Optimus, the well-known German web designer Sergej Müller, are presented
The seventh part deals with common errors that beginners often use with the use of WordPress. BackUps (backups) form an important basis for ensuring that any problems arise. Too many plugins bring performance losses. In addition, the KeywordMonitor tutorial uses the useful usage of meta tags (keywords).
In the last step of the comprehensive WordPress tutorial, WP-beginners learn how to use the WordPress editor correctly. The editor can be used to make changes to the design of the theme, to edit and modify language files, to add banners from AdSense and other advertisers.
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