A close-up photo of opal jewelry, including a necklace, earrings, and ring, displayed on a natural rock.


Opal’s amazing play of colors, known as “play-of-color,” is perhaps of its most entrancing and specific feature. This alluring occurrence happens because of the diffraction of light inside the microstructure of the opal, bringing about a stunning formation of energetic shades that appear to dance and move as the gemstone is seen from different points.

The play-of-color in opal displays glimmers, examples, or patches of glowing colors, including lively reds, oranges, yellows, greens, blues, and purples. These colors blend and transmit across the outer layer of the opal, making a consistently changing display of phantom splendor.

The power, size, and plan of the minuscule silica circles or layers inside the opal impact the colors and examples showed. A few opals display expansive and clear glimmers of variety, while others exhibit fragile, complex examples that effortlessly move with the light.

Know More: https://www.fuddugyan.com/7-shocking-ways-opal-jewelry-changes-your-look/