Follow these basic elements to aid improving your golf swing. Before taking a shot every golfer should refer to a mental checklist of the basic elements of the shot. The first element is to align your body up square to the ball and the desired target. To achieve this stand a few feet behind the ball. Look ahead towards the flag and then look for guiding signs on the ground like leaves, blades of grass or dirt. These guiding targets need to be in a direct line from the ball to the flag or desired target.You then need to align the clubface behind the ball on a direct line between the targets. Align your feet on a parallel line to the target line. Keep your feet a shoulders width apart, with the heel of the forward foot level with the ball but this foot should point slightly towards the ball.


Grip the club very loosely throughout the shot, with just enough tension to stop any slippage.You now need to ensure that your shoulders are parallel with the ground targets. Keep your eyes on the ball with your head tilted downwards. Your back should be straight but you're your upper body should be slightly tilted towards the ball. Your arms should hang freely in front of your body. All of the above is termed as addressing the ballYou are ready to begin the correct golf swing.  Keeping your back elbow tucked as closely to your ribs as possible, slowly take the club back on a straight line along the plain of the ground targets.  Keep your front elbow locked throughout the back swing and never take your eyes off the ball.  This motion should naturally tuck your chin into your front shoulder.


Hips should remain still and slightly tilted, while the front knee will turn inward.  At the apex of the back swing, allow your wrists to break slightly. Uncoil the wrists and start to bring the club downwards and shift your weight to your front foot.  You will naturally generate some speed on your downswing and this in turn will generate force. You must ensure however, that the club remains on target. As you hit the ball, the club should come into contact with the ground and it should take a divot just in from of the original the position of the ball. Ensure that you have a good follow through. There is a tendency for beginners not to finish of the swing. It is the follow through that gets a good flight on the ball. Your hips should be turned toward the target.  Your weight should have shifted, and should now be firmly on your right foot.  Now watch the ball fly toward the target.