First, cotton slippers to stink small tricks

1. Put the quicklime powder into a small bag before going to sleep every night, put it into the shoe to absorb moisture. The lime bag can also kill the bacteria inside the shoe, and can play a certain role in removing the smell of the shoe, and can be used repeatedly.

2. There is no charcoal with charcoal. The charcoal is very strong. Putting charcoal into the shoes can not only absorb the moisture in the shoes but also absorb the smell inside the shoes. If there is no charcoal in the house, you can buy some activated carbon and activated carbon. The deodorizing ability is strengthened.

3. Use cotton to put some alcohol into the shoes, so after a night, the alcohol will evaporate, the odor can be removed, and the next day can be worn.

4. Grind the mothballs and sprinkle the powder evenly on the shoes. Put on the insole on it. A pair of shoes only needs about one mothball. In this way, the shoe can be kept dry and the shoe smell can be removed. (Principle: Mothballs have a good antibacterial effect and can kill a large number of bacteria that multiply due to moisture.)

5. If there are lemon slices or orange peels in the house, you can also take some of them in the shoes. After one night, the smell of the shoes can basically be removed, and there will be some fragrance.

6. Use tea leaves to remove shoe odor. Wrap the tea in a small group with gauze and then stuff it into the shoes. After a while, the smell of the shoes disappears, or you can try to use the tea bag directly.

7. If cotton slippers have a bad smell due to sweating on the feet, then avoid sweating. In addition to making them breathable, you can also rub baby powder or talcum powder. The talcum powder is very skin-friendly, with a light scent and, more importantly, prevents sweating on the feet.

8. You can buy some deodorant-like sprays on the market, and spray a spray in the shoes every time to relieve the smell of shoes.

Second, cotton slippers cleaning method

1. Prepare a large basin and pour the appropriate amount of detergent into the basin (washing powder is recommended to be washed with hot water first).

2. Put the bottom of the cotton slippers(sandals supplier) and the edge of the shoe against the tap water, wash it with a brush, then lift the sole up, soak the upper in a basin filled with washing powder or laundry detergent, soak for about 3-4 minutes.

3. Take a soft brush and gently brush the inside of the upper and the shoes several times, then rinse off with water.

4. Put the cleaned cotton slippers in the sun and dry them.

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