


Losing pounds can be difficult regardless of how hard a person tries. If you does not follow the basic principles of getting skinnier and all of the little tips that can help boost fat burning, he or she may become discouraged or never see any results.

If you have struggled with your efforts and have given up hope, you will find that these 7 tricks can bolster your efforts overnight!

Tip 1: Start The Day With Breakfast

Are you the type of person that skips breakfast in the hopes that you will be cutting down your calories? This is one of the worst things that any person can do. The truth is that the earlier you start eating, the more your metabolism will work.

By having a healthy meal in the morning, you will be burning stored stuff faster all day long. Furthermore, a balanced one will provide you with:

  • Vitamins

  • Nutrients

  • Fiber

All these will help you to get through your day. A bowl of oatmeal and an apple is an easy breakfast option that is filled with fiber, healthy carbs and a slew of vitamins.

If you are a coffee lover, one cup is also recommended. Just remember, each teaspoon of sugar is about 15 calories.

Tip 2: Be Prepared

The worst thing any dieter can do is not be prepared for their day or week. When you reach for an unhealthy snack or order fast food it is often because you do not have anything prepared at home.

Instead, you should cook your meals ahead of time to ensure that you follow a strict diet! It is recommended that you have stuff for at least 2 days in advance.

Snacks should also be in abundance with healthy nuts and fruits readily available. This will ensure that you do not reach for a candy bar when you already have something much more nutritious at your hand.

Some people will find that preparing for a few days is not enough. In this case, preparing for a week and freezing your meals may be the best option!

Tip 3: Drink Only Water

Soda and energy drinks are filled with empty calories. Even a glass of milk has cals that will make you have to work much harder to get skinnier. Instead of drinking sugar-filled liquids, choose water.

This one is not only more hydrating, but it also helps your body remove toxins. This reduction of a "waste" substances will allow you to feel better and lose weight in the process.

Those of you that are thinking about missing your cup of tea or morning coffee will be happy to know that these are allowed. The goal is to remove drinks that are already pre-made. Since you are making your coffee or tea, you can control the amount of sugars you put in and hence keep yourself in check.

Tip 4: Don’t Eat After 7pm

When you go to sleep, your metabolism will slow down drastically. During sleep your organism is meant to repair itself. Because you are not moving, your fat burning processes have no reason to be at a high level.

This means that any food that has not been digested will be turned into lipids or not properly burned off. Depending on the time that you go to sleep, you should adhere to a “no-eating policy” that is a minimum of 3 hours before bed.

In other words, if you go to bed at 10, you should not consume anything after 7. Of course, there will be situations when this may be earlier or later depending on your schedule!

Keep In Mind: If you must eat, choose something light that is easily digestible. This may be an apple or a banana that provides a boost of energy, but lacks the complex carbs that would take hours to fully digest.

Eating after 7pm might cause problems with your leptin hormone, more on thia via program called The Venus Factor on SkinnyWithFiber.

Tip 5: Exercise Properly

Going to the gym and sweating your body boosts your efforts to having sexy figure drastically. Just 30 minutes of cardio or HIIT training is enough to see positive results each week.

The goal is to exercise properly so that you receive the maximum benefits. This will include:

  • Engaging in sweating yourself for 30 – 60 minutes daily.

  • Working out with proper form and slowly. Fast reps lead to injury and improper form.

  • Cut out the talking and move quickly between sets.

This also requires rest. You will want to schedule two days a week where you do not work out with weights. If you want to stay active on those, light cardio is acceptable.

It is also important to not overdo your routine. You want to maintain proper form and perform your best with each session. An hour to one and a half is the maximum amount of workouts you should perform daily.

Tip 6: Replace Fatty Foods

Replacing fatty stuff with a go-to alternative is a lot easier than depriving yourself of good food. What does this mean?

If you like ice cream but you want a healthier snack, choose to eat a fruit salad instead. The goal is to replace one of your favorite choice with an equally delicious but healthy one.

A mix of nuts is filled with protein and much better than a bag of potato chips. Plus, nuts are very filling. Simply start replacing your indulgences with other foods that are healthier and taste just as good.

You will be shocked at the amount of calories you can shave off of your daily diet by just getting rid of 2 or 3 stuff that put a halt to your weight loss efforts.

Tip 7: Stay Motivated

Did you know that it takes 21 days to develop a habit? Most people will stop trying to lose pounds after a week of not seeing changes. Instead, you want to find a way to stay motivated so that you develop a habit and see results that last.

A few ways to keep interested include:

  • Keeping Track Of Your Outcomes

  • Before & After Pictures

  • Going To The Gym With A Partner

Anything that you can do to remain on track is highly recommended. The longer that you stick to your diet routine, the better chances of success you have. It will take more than a week or even a month to see massive results, but you will lose weight over time.