Few days ago my friend borrowed me Shonen Jump..and I must say that for me it is too difficult to read it..xD So I can just say "This is interesting..!" But I have absolutely no idea what happened in the picture :D

$Site doesn't exist..=P

This is much more easier to read..<3 :D It is for small children, so this is not a problem..but sometimes I don´t vocabulary..and then I say that even small children are smarter than me..(>_<)

$Site doesn't exist..=P

I should learn.
Instead of that I looked out of the window and it's probably cold outside.

$Site doesn't exist..=P

When a took this photo it was 17:00.. now it´s 17:50.. and it´s dark night.. :D

$Site doesn't exist..=P

This is the fringe of Prague..:) Quiet location, unlike the center. :D