

身体にやさしいお料理や温泉情報又高齢者に配慮した施設情報などやすらぎのお宿(宿泊)情報(Accommodation Information of Japan)です。各県の観光情報(Japanese sightseeing information:季節のイベント情報)も掲載しております。

  観光(静岡) 宿泊: 体にやさしいお宿
japanese original scenery
観光(静岡)宿泊 情報(やすらぎのお宿)
Japanese sightseeing information




The details of the sightseeing information of Ito Onsen, please click here.(festivals and events)















  [『伊豆 城ヶ崎海岸』]  

[Jogasaki coast]In the vicinity of the Jogasaki coast, the hiking course with a total length of 9 km, centering on the lighthouse, is popular, especially the sea bridge is thrilling with a length of 48 m and a height of 23 m.

(伊東市) 《Ito City,Shizuoka Pref.》




花と海といで湯のまち 伊豆・伊東観光ガイド

伊東観光協会 WEBサイト
Ito Onsen (Shizuoka) Travel Guide
  [『伊豆 城ヶ崎海岸』]  

[Jogasaki coast]In the vicinity of the Jogasaki coast, the hiking course with a total length of 9 km, centering on the lighthouse, is popular, especially the sea bridge is thrilling with a length of 48 m and a height of 23 m.

(伊東市) 《Ito City,Shizuoka Pref.》


花と海といで湯のまち 伊豆・伊東観光ガイド

伊東観光協会 WEBサイト
Ito Onsen (Shizuoka) Travel Guide

[Jogasaki coast]In the vicinity of the Jogasaki coast, the hiking course with a total length of 9 km, centering on the lighthouse, is popular, especially the sea bridge is thrilling with a length of 48 m and a height of 23 m.

(伊東市) 《Ito City,Shizuoka Pref.》




花と海といで湯のまち 伊豆・伊東観光ガイド

伊東観光協会 WEBサイト
Ito Onsen (Shizuoka) Travel Guide
  [『 東海館 』]  

(Tokaikan/東海館)On the right bank of Matsukawa, there is a walking street about 1.5 km from Nagisabashi to Okabashi, a course where you can walk while enjoying the emotion of the Onsen town is popular.

(伊東市) 《Ito City,Shizuoka Pref.》




花と海といで湯のまち 伊豆・伊東観光ガイド

伊東観光協会 WEBサイト
Ito Onsen (Shizuoka) Travel Guide



The sightseeing information of Shizuoka,
please click here.


≪Japanese original scenery
ブログ     produced by S.K