Vol.15 | リコーダー吹きの休日Recorderist's Holiday

リコーダー吹きの休日Recorderist's Holiday

Hi, I'm Yuuki Saitoo, a recorder player.
I'm doing this hoping this can be a break for someone.

4487 2659
(電話のみ/Only talk)


If you haven't read, read this first please!


''Christians tends to attribute everything to God, so it doesn't suit me wanting to do things on my own!''








This is what a lady said, and putting aside this question ''In the first place is it possible to do anything on your own?'', once you read the Bible you would see it clearly that God doesn't say ''I do everything for you so you don't need to do anything.''.

Also Proverbs warns us not to be lazy, and Jesus told a parable like this(Matthew25:14~30)ーwhen the master leaves his house for a while he entrusts some money to his servants but one of them doesn't work to increase it with some excuse and then the master who comes back scolds him for that, rewarding the other servants who've worked well, saying ''Well done.''.

By the way, the word ''talent'' in this parable, which is a unit of money at the times and also the etymology of the English world ''talent'', and which people often interpret as ''humans' talents'', however I personally think it doesn't mean so limitedly but means ''every abilities of a person'', furthermore, ''the life itself'' because the Bible says every ability is from God.

So even a patient who can hardly do anything should just try to live the day and that is the thing ''increasing the talent'', so not only patients but also healthy people should live their lives doing their best, which is ''increasing the talent'', I believe.











And, God once said this through the Prophet Samuel.

''The Spirit of the Lord will come powerfully upon you, and you will prophesy with them; and you will be changed into a different person. Once these signs are fulfilled, do whatever your hand finds to do, for God is with you.(1Sam 10:6~7)''

And Proverbs says this.

''In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord erects the way.(Proverbs16:9)''

That doesn't deny humans' planning and trying to achieve that, right?

Plus, God said ''Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.(Exodus14:14)'', and when the Prophet Jeremiah got depression God cared after him using a crow, and also in Psalm37:5 it says ''Commit your way to the Lord, trust in him, and he will act.'', which means when we lack in energy or power we can trust your concern to him, right?

Furthermore, guessing from Jesus' word ''Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care.(Matthew10:29)'', no matter whether you have achieved it or not God has let us be the way.

So it means that christians are guaranteed while they make any efforts, which

is such a blessed situation, isn't it?

In other words, we can move freely on God's palm with all our hearts and souls and minds(Matthew22:37)'', and if you are going for some danger unconsciously (which is the life level from God's view, and somtimes we couldn't understand it.) He will stop you, and even if you drop from it by mistake he'll prepares something like a cushion, so it's that we aren't controlled nor left alone by God, which is such a fabulous situation, isn't it?

I guess, because christians don't live like ''I'll manage to have everything I want with all my own efforts.'', some non-christians who think like that might consider it passive, but as for me, I live like ''I'll accept and savor all the things with all my efforts.'', which is absolutely active, isn't it?!;)
