嫌いだった聖書 I hated the Bible Vol.8 | リコーダー吹きの休日Recorderist's Holiday

リコーダー吹きの休日Recorderist's Holiday

Hi, I'm Yuuki Saitoo, a recorder player.
I'm doing this hoping this can be a break for someone.

4487 2659
(電話のみ/Only talk)


If you haven't read this, please read it first.


It's unfair that if you accept things about Jesus your sins would be forgiven, isn't it?





So, it should be wrong to think ''God forgave me, so I don't need to do anything to the victim.'', and also the Bible says that faith without acts is wrong.

This is not my question but what I often hear from others.

But anyway, this ''forgive'' *means whether God forgives, so it's not whether the victim forgives, right?

And Jesus also told us to forgive no matter how many times they apologize to you, which shows that apology and forgiveness are basic and important for humans in the Bible.


Sin, including crime should be various, but most of them are the case that they don't know what they do, as Jesus said on the cross(Luk23:34), or the case they do it following their momentary feeling, or sometimes we don't realise that we hurt others, and in this time there are various senses of value, so there should be some who think what is important is only ''me'', or there might be some who believe that because humans are from amoeba they can kill humans.

So in my opinion we couldn't blame those kinds of people from our hearts who believe like that from their hearts.(Remember this is about mind, not the real prevention for crimes.)



Jesus said ''Don't judge people.(Matthew7:1)'', and I think that's because ''All a person’s ways seem pure to them, but motives are weighed by the Lord.(Proverbs 16:2)'', so God makes more of the inside of the heart than its act, I believe.

And also Jesus said that even if we curse against God or Jesus we'd be forgiven, but if we blaspheme against the holy spirit, we wouldn't be forgiven(Matthew3:28~29), which could mean that when a christian who knew it's bad to do so committed it willingly it is the unforgivable sin.



But still, it seems that it's not that there's not any punishment things after you commit a sin without awareness.

In the bible there's the story of David, who committed a great sin without awareness and was forgiven but still had a hard time caused from what he did before.




Here's my own conclusion about this.

Your sin would be forgiven if you accepted Jesus, but that doesn't mean you wouldn't have any punishment…maybe.

Still, even if there's some punishment, it definitely is what you need in your life, I believe, because if you read the Bible you'd see that God wouldn't punish people without its need.
