Not much different from the definition above, describing services as: "any treatment or activity that can be offered by one


faction to another party, is essentially formless and does not result in ownership of anything. The production of services may


or may not be related to physical products." Meanwhile, companies that provide service operations are those that provide


customers with service products, whether in form or not, such as transportation, entertainment, restaurants and education.


From the various definitions above, it can be seen that in services there is always a relationship factor between the customer


and the service provider, even though the respective parties do not always know. Services are not goods, they are processes 


or activities, and some activities are formless. Although some experts have a number of differences when describing services, 


there is no need to worry further. But it is increasingly more useful to see the same character attached to the service.

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The idea of ​​quality is seen as a relative measure of the goodness of a service or product which is divided into the design 


quality of design quality and the quality of suitability. Understanding the most fundamental quality is being free from defects. 


Generally companies that rely on

Customers describe quality as customer satisfaction. conveys that quality is the totality of features and characteristics of a 


service or product that depends on its ability to provide satisfaction to the needs of customers or users.

confirmed or express services. Besides that, service quality focuses on efforts to fulfill customer needs and desires and the 


accuracy of delivery to balance customer desires