"Read Confessions of A Back Porch Herbalist: My Journal of Healing Using Cannabis and Traditional Herbs

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Four years ago, I made the decision to heal from rheumatoid arthritis using cannabis. I had experienced severe RA for nearly 13 years at that time, and prescribed drugs had little effect. I became an OMMP patient in 2010, and began medicating with concentrates at the end of that year after my harvest was complete. A few years later, I began supplementing with herbs. As a disclaimer, I&#8217m not a doctor, or a naturopath, or any type of a medical professional, and this book does NOT suggest that anyone should do any of the things I have done. This was a choice I made after experiencing what I did. I&#8217m a witch, an empath, and a mostly self-taught herbalist. I believe everything and everyone are extensions of Source/Goddess Energy and in nonphysical form, we are one with each other. Herbs and plants that are here to nourish and heal us resonate with Goddess Energy. We need only be still and receive that knowing, that blessing, and then understand our connection to the world around 