● 問題

もともと相撲は、五穀する神事でした。鎌倉時代に 相撲は武士層の競技になり、江戸時代には大衆娯楽として発展し、その後、職業としてのスポーツとなり現在の大相撲に至っています。今 では相撲の国際化が進み、外国人力士の数も増えてきています


●#1 初見(メモをしながら通訳)

Sumo was originally shinto ritual to pray for good harvest. In kamakura era it was developed to samurai training. And it developed into popular entertainment in edo era. After that it turned professional sports now. Recently sumo are Internationalize and there are many foreign wrestlers.



Sumo originated a Shinto rite to appreciate the gods for the good harvest.

In the Kamakura era, it became a sports practice among samurai.

And it developed as mass entertainment in the  Edo era and later into professional sport. It is today's Ozumo or Grand Sumo.

Recently sumo is Internationalized and the number of foreign sumo wrestlers is on the rise.



Sumo originated Shinto rite to appreciate a good harvest to gods.

In the kamakura era it became somurai practice.

 In the Edo era it developed into mass entertainment and later it became a professional sport. it is Ozumo or Grand Sumo tournament today. 

Nowadays Sumo is internationalized and the number of foreign wrestlers is on the rise.



#1 初見 70% #3再トライ90%