Peaceful rise is an important strategic policy proposed by the Communist Party of China after our country's reform and opening up, and the economy has entered a period of rapid development.

Peaceful rise is a policy put forward by

our party grasping the pulse of the times. In the second half of the 20th century, the world has gradually entered an era of peace and development from an era of war and revolution.

This is a major change in the world, and it is also a trend that is taking shape in the world, a powerful trend for peace, development and cooperation. The peaceful rise is exactly in line with this world trend, as Mr. Sun Yat-sen said: "The world trend is mighty; those who follow it will prosper, and those who go against it will perish."

Peaceful rise is a policy put forward by our party in consideration of the general trend of the world. Regardless of people's will, globalization is advancing all over the world. Today, if any country wants to develop and realize modernization, it cannot close its doors. To rise peacefully is to integrate into the tide of

globalization. Our implementation of reform and opening up is part of this tide; our entry into the World Trade Organization is also part of this tide. Integrating into this tide has brought great development to China.

Peaceful rise is a policy put forward by our party on the basis of summarizing historical experience.

In the past few centuries, when the Western powers rose, they frantically plundered and expanded all over the world. It was met with fierce resistance from the oppressed people and nations all over the world, and its colonial expansion ended in failure. Peaceful rise means no expansion.

After the end of World War II, under the background of the confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union, two opposing military groups emerged, the "Warsaw Pact Organization" and the "North Atlantic Treaty Organization". Theemergence of these two military blocs is a product of the bipolar era, which has ended and the Warsaw Pact has disintegrated. Peaceful rise means non-alignment.