Yesterday, I took TOEIC SW, speaking and writing version of traditional TOEIC, for the first time.

As I imagine, I couldn’t answer the questions sufficiently. Especially, it’s difficult for me to answer quickly when speakers finish saying at once.

But I think this test is fairer than the normal one. Because we can’t record higher score than true ability we have by acquiring technical skill.

So, I must continue to train speak and think in English everyday to get high score and communication skill.

On last September, I took TOEIC for the first time, in my life.

During the test, I felt that its score would be lower than I expected, because I couldn’t understand what the listening test speakers said, and not consider well in latter part of the reading test for lack of time.

As a result, my first score is 880.

It’s higher than my image. I can’t understand the reason of it.

In any case, I feel I must get higher score than now in the next test. Because I have studied harder than ever in this month after my first test.

Yesterday, I talked with the owner and the president of Chinese company. He is not Chinese but Taiwanese.

He had worked for mere salary worker of a certain manufacturing company for several years. Afterwards, he founded his company. He succeeds making the company bigger and bigger and will list it on the Stock Exchange.

Surprisingly, now he is 40 years old, not so different from me.

I have felt myself to make an effort harder and harder…

I can’t really feel appeal point of Twitter, though I have used for several month.

As far as I watch, it seems exciting for famous person in “real” society or for person who have much spare time.

One of the ways of exciting it is to exchange present information or opinion among the friends who have gotten along with originally.

But to enjoy this way, it seems apparently to waste time because it’s happier to do so via face to face communication or e-mail.

Anytime in the afternoon or night, I see several people, especially for students, to study something in coffee shops, family restaurants, and so on.

As for me, I often work using PC and writing manuscripts in such shops.

I think, input task, like studying, is not suitable to be done in such shops. I can tackle only output task considering about my concentration.

I went to the swimming pool near my house with my daughter.

Because it became cool suddenly, the pool was not so crowded.

Just one week ago, it was very crowded.

In future, I can’t imagine what movement of the weather will change in Japan.

Today, I watch “Beauty and Beast” on DVD with my daughter.

I haven’t seen it for a long time.

But I have been like this work till seven years ago, when I watched musical version of it in NY. Especially, the main music of this film is very impressive, I think.

A masterpiece like this always moves people.

While achievement is on the decline, the management of the company tends to determine to stop invest on advertisement.

Surely, it can get a result to increase profit immediately. But it will lose much opportunity to get profit in future at the same time, absolutely.

Even if I think so, I understand importance to make sure to attain profit.

Eventually, it’s most important to consider deeply about each advertising media, timing, size of investment and so on.

Rokurokuso is one of the famous upper-class residential areas in Japan. And I went there for sightseeing for the first time while travelling in Kobe.

Certainly, there are several gorgeous houses amazingly.

Of course, I envy the inhabitants for being able to live in such houses.

But then, it’s doubtful that all of them become happy actually.

Only three or four people live in such a wide room, they become to lack their communication chance necessarily. Under such condition, children may have complex feeling about relationship between their parents.

On this week end, I will go to see Danjirhi-festival with my family and the friends of my wife, for the first time.

I am a pleasure to watch the event but am worry for my daughter at the same time.

I have watched the television news in which a lot of men act violently and sometime destroy buildings.

In any case, it's better to see the fact than to miss a oppotunity to watch rare traditional event.