イングリッシュスクールロージーOfficial Blog -2ページ目

イングリッシュスクールロージーOfficial Blog

斬新な観点から独自の新しいプログラムで新英語教育を切開く「ENGLISH SCHOOL ROSY」では格安な料金設定、質の高いレッスン、アットホームな環境で、英語に興味のある方ならどなたでも 楽しくレッスンを受けられます。福島県郡山市の英会話スクールです。


 As stated in the title, my business had been going smoothly, but now being on the edge. 

The reason for that is because I was victimized by the catastrophic Great East Japan Earthquake and huge flood disaster caused by Tyhoon19 one ofter another.


 Next up is, of course about the coronavirus infection spreading not only across Japan but all over the world. So many people have been through hard time, fighting against the unseen enemy and losing jobs and health. 


 My case might be just the tip of the iceberg , but I've been plagued by schizophrenia since back when I was in my puberty and adolescent period, so sometimes I get lost but I'll never give up along the way to achieve my real dream and goals.


There's nothing important than good health and good relationships with your family and loved ones.

