Light and darkness | イングリッシュスクールロージーOfficial Blog

イングリッシュスクールロージーOfficial Blog

斬新な観点から独自の新しいプログラムで新英語教育を切開く「ENGLISH SCHOOL ROSY」では格安な料金設定、質の高いレッスン、アットホームな環境で、英語に興味のある方ならどなたでも 楽しくレッスンを受けられます。福島県郡山市の英会話スクールです。

A (Yoji): The universe here in this world has its own meaning and value because every one of them has its own soul that leads to the fundamental root of your morale. That’s what motivation is all about. The soul and heart moves people. Stronger passionate thoughts you have, more motivated you will be. Those who don’t have the morale can’t seize the light because the light is required in order to cut through darkness. I will break through thorny path with my eyes that discern only the truth. You have two aspects in your mind. One is light, the other is darkness. The light needs darkness that the light sheds on, and the darkness needs light that sheds on darkness. The light and darkness lives together and forms one entity. I’d like to be the light that sheds on darkness. Those who don’t know what the darkness is can’t be the light. In Between the Light and Darkness is an ongoing series of works exploring physical and metaphorical properties of light. There’s more to the both than just you think. The light gives you hopes, on the other hand the darkness gives thoughts to consider deep inside. The both are connected to one another to share the beauties of ephemeral life. If one of them is missing in your life, you can’t form a total entity.

B (Tom): I'm happy that you are wrestling philosophically with the concepts of light and darkness. Different religions, secular philosophies, traditions, cultures, generations, etc. have drawn different conclusions from their studies of these two concepts. I think it is good to develop a good understanding of these physical realities so that you can develop a better understanding of the spiritual, mental, and emotional aspects of light and darkness, too.

B: Light enables us to see reality clearly. It enables us to see who we are, what we are like, what people and the world are like, and which paths are safer and more beneficial than others. In contrast, darkness hides reality so that we become blind to ourselves, to people, and to the world, and thus cannot see the best way to live or the best paths to take. Also, light promotes growth and life, while darkness promotes illness and death. Just as plants, animals, and people need physical light to live and grow, it seems that we need to walk spiritually, mentally, and emotionally in the light as well if we are to grow and remain healthy in those domains, too.

B: One reason that so many different religious and secular philosophies use the word "enlightening" is because they seek to describe the experience of greater and deeper understanding that is so similar to seeing the world in a much brighter light.

A: As I said before, I get into deep thought before bedtime, reflecting myself. Sometimes inspiration strikes me like lightning hits my mind. Light and darkness is correlated with one another. If you don’t have darkness in your mind, light doesn’t shine in your mind. Like you said, light enables us to see reality clearly and shed hope on our path, on the other side of the coin, darkness blinds our hopes but it’s required to give us deep thoughts in a good way. The light and darkness lives together like mirror to reflect the reality.

B: Yes, if we never experience darkness, we will never appreciate the light. Reflecting deeply at night is evidence of scholarly talent. Feed that hunger well with the best nourishment possible so that you can develop the mature thoughts, vision, and creative ideas that Japan needs to help it move out of darkness into greater light. Currently, Japan seems to be moving in dangerous directions, and it will need scholarly thinkers like you who must shed light on its mistakes and shortcomings, and show the country better paths to take. Of course, I am trying to do the same thing here for the USA.

B: Question: Was that photo taken from your window?

Actually not. I just downloaded it online that best reflects the image of my statement.

I see. If you are happy with the way things are going in Japan, then perhaps things will work out well for you. I have over 700 Japanese friends and acquaintances on FB and LinkedIn and most of them tell me that they don't like the direction that Japan is heading, so I guess I have to leave it up to the Japanese people to debate.

I like the photo.

You're right. Them majority of people are dissatisfied with the direction that Japan has been going in. The way the government deals with the politics is covered and not open to people. That's what I think is the pain in the ass.

BTW, I love to think, reflect, and meditate on ideas the same as you do, except I usually do it in the morning on my back porch while enjoying my morning coffee and a bagel, reading the Bible, and gazing out over all the trees, bushes, birds, and flowers in our back yard. If I start everyday very peacefully with serious thoughts, prayers, plans, and strategies, then I am prepared to overcome every challenge that appears with effective ideas that will transform every problem into a success story. I have been doing this for many years, and consequently, I have been able to overcome every challenge in my studies, work, and relationships, and have always been able to generate enough income throughout my life so that I have never had to borrow any money for anything. I'm happy that you are a deep thinker, too, for when you find the best ways to think, live, and work, you will be able to overcome every challenge, too. Enjoy a thought-filled evening!

Tom. We have a lot in common mental-wise or it's about our work. Reflection and meditation is a sure way to get to know yourself. It just takes courage and discipline to make time to feed your soul. It also help us nurture our thoughts through deep thinking. But sometimes I get into a negative side of reflection. I think the reason for that is because I sometimes think too much more than necessary but at this end of the day, I get back to my usual self. That's one of the beauties of my personalities. I don't get paid well at this point, but I don't borrow money and I can manage my life by myself. Yeah, I believe I can get over any difficulties facing me in the years ahead with this proactive mindset. At least I hope I can.

I'm cheering for your success, my friend!

A: Mature thoughts come from lots of one-of-a-kind mindsets, you gotta experience harsh reality and get through the reality with strong conviction. You gotta see things from different perspectives. I’m willing to go through rough road in life whether it’s present or future facing me in the years ahead. Like the saying goes, life is full of ups and downs. Well, I don’t think Japan seems to be going in the wrong direction. I’m not familiar with politics and I don’t have much knowledge of politics but one thing is clear. Japan is on the right track of revitalization. The key is Fukushima where still bad rumors about radioactive contamination are affecting the whole economy but also people’s life. That’s the harsh reality facing people living in Fukushima.

A: My thoughts and belief never sway. I just go my own way, believing in myself. As I said many times, my one-of-a-kind mind-set comes from my own thought that is outside the box. I don’t give a damn no matter who says what, because I strongly believe in myself whether my own path is rough or not. Never-give-up spirit leads me to another new chapter in my life in the years ahead. I’ve got fountain of youth in terms of both mentality and physicality. My groundbreaking thought and belief will get me anywhere. No matter whatever happens to me, I never give up. I always have and I always will. The never-give-up spirit is the key to success. It all comes down to the fact that high motivation and strong conviction will get you anywhere. It’s all about confidence! Every step you take, you’ll gain confidence!!