For the first time in my recent six years, I regret haven't study hard.

Although these two days I studied like hell-bent, but that cannot make up the last two months.

Almost cry on my way home.

Look at the beautiful lights in Chicago downtown. I never really think about what I should do after graduate.

I have so many things want to say. But all are things I messed up that I even can't speak out.

I'm now working on, or I'd rather say, trying to work on the next exam, which is the last mid-term exam I have.

The bad wireless network of my room keeps bothering me, especially as ECE529 is an online course.

God~Make the demn network WORK~! Please~!

Last night I bought a black clover wallpaper for another mero pet. I have to communicate with the vendor in English, that is quite interesting. Because the vendor acctually cannot read Chinese, neither English...|||orz

We finally make the deal, like a miracle <(^ ^|||)/

I really appreciate her(?) patience~ And I love MY black clover wallpaper so much (*^o^*)

BTW, I'm glad to notice the mero pet fed on this site has grown up a little.

It seems that my mero pet can't learn any words from these English blogs, or grow up. As it's still that little with the growth degree remains zero... = =|||

Should I add any Chinese characters in this blog? That's not my purpose for this blog~

While, I'll wait another day, if there's still nothing changed...fine~! I write something in Chinese (="=)

Another thing, it is snowing now in Chicago...orz

and pretty heavy...

Again and again!

This winter I have seen much more snow than all my life before, I almost hate snow now.

Morning: Problems of Chapter 1 and 2 of ECE545

Afternoon: Problems of Chapter 3 and 4 of ECE545

Night: exam of ECE545; Homework of advanced VLSI design

Tomorrow night is the time for mid-term exam of advanced computer networks.

I have NOT prepared for it, as usual.

But still do nothing for nearly a whole day~!


Is that so hard to do sth. that is not what I want but what I NEED to do?


And now it's 8pm. There is still 4 hours left today. So, let's do it~!

Actually yesterday was pretty good. Though a little tired. But that is what I need.