Yesterday has been a really bad day, my beloved rat died T__T
I think that animals are more worthy than humans, so this actually fills me with sadness ._.
R.I.P. Abraham, I hope you're in a neverending dream now <3

As we're talking about animals, you gotta know my little princess has turned 4 (months)!!! She's getting prettier everyday ^_^

+ Rose Von Massacre - The Asylum +


Rose ブーケ2
The description of this blog contains the word "chihuahua". Why? Because I adore chihuahuas!
I got one for my birthday, and I decided to introduce her to you ^^
I promise I'll take new pics soon, she's growing so fast right now ドキドキ

I present to you... HIZAKI わんわん

+ Rose Von Massacre - The Asylum +-hIZAKI-hIME <3

She's so sweet, yet so energetic she almost drives me crazy xD
I bought her some accessories I'll use in the next pics!

Rose ブーケ2
How am I supposed to learn almost 2000 ideograms in less than 10 years?
That's a mistery.

Here's my goal: I'll be able to write my first blog entry in japanese in... 1 year? I guess I'll get a job soon so I can pay for a teacher xD

Good Luck to me!!! And good luck to everyone who's trying to learn a new language so they can expand their culture and get to know more interesting people! Cheers!

Rose ブーケ2