Hello there. I'm so sorry for my long silence. I really wonder what a lazy blogger I am. I'd really appreciate it if you could possibly understand that I just didn't want to bother you with trifles.

    Today I'm writing this to share some information with you, hoping that you will be interested. So far I've written 270-odd vignettes, a collection of jokes, most of which are currently available at web.archive.org. I've written them to entertain the world, so I hope they will be published in book form in the near future, preferably next July, after I've successfully flown to Germany. In addition to this, I've recently started writing a nonfiction book entitled 'Those With Ears And The Earless Others'. What you may find so funny about the way I write the book is that I've written the epilogue first. And the funnier thing is that I'm so willing to show it to you here before publication. But why could I be so generous? It's top-secret. Only our heavenly Father other than I knows why; for none of us can hide anything from Him.

Those With Ears And The Earless Others 


Day One - Tuesday, July 1, 2025

On the morning of the 1st of July in 2025, as had been carefully planned for more than a year now, I got aboard a Lufthansa plane at Haneda Airport to fly away from Japan. Martin, the German gentleman seated next to me, happened to be such a talkative Christian proficient in English that we killed time by talking about various topics, especially about the horrible prediction which I heard would become a reality in a few days and which most people in Japan would scoff at.

    Fourteen hours or so later we safely arrived in Munich, Germany. It was for the first time in my almost 54-year life that I ever set foot on foreign soil. It was late in the afternoon, but it was midsummer and the bright sun in the blue sky was still shining on the Bavarian capital on the 48th parallel. Of course I was extremely excited about my first visit overseas, but at the same time I was so tired from air travel that I immediately took a taxi, went straight to the hotel where I had booked a room, checked in, and went to bed about an hour later.