


無免許 がん未承認薬投与 医学博士の男 関係先を捜索
男は自らのホームページで、カルチノンについて「世界で初の強力な免疫剤で、その進歩速度は五十年は先行している」「安全性も含め完成された実績のあるがんの治療・予防薬」「副作用は全くない」と紹介。承認手続きをしない理由については「時間とお金。治験をパスするには (続きを読む)

television last evening -- it was interesting. Since the belly was decreasing somehow this morning, no less than two sheets have eaten toast. And food was raised to the tortoise.
Home was left at 8:00 for work. From 11:00, it said tutaya and has rented DVD. I thought that I would make supper simple since lunch is the calorie over which ate a set meal with grilled meat.
In the snack, he bought soft ice cream and it ate it. Since it was of a poor appetite, supper was not eaten. After a meal netsurfed.