Sex dolls are a kind of toys for people who are not familiar with them. It is like a life -size doll that helps to make love dolls with high -quality silicone love dolls. Some owners only have a sex doll while others have a whole collection.
These real dolls are cultivated by men and women. You can buy cheap male sex dolls and you even have first names. Several people have claimed that their plastic sex doll fell in love with them and stayed with Sensualdolls robot doll sex shop.
There are various reasons for the attraction of men on sex dolls. They have a beautiful look and are sensitive. They are also great companions in the bedroom. Many men in their late twenties to fifties believe that sexual contact with a sex doll is preferable than going out with a lady of their age. When choosing the right sex doll, a man's most important decision is to choose a TPE or silicone sex doll. It's a difficult choice. Let us understand why it is so attractive.

Robotic Sex Doll: TPE feels incredible

Many men introduced themselves to stroke tenderly if they touched TPE with their eyes closed. TPE stands for " thermoplastic elastomer ", and this new material feels more like real human skin than everything else that has developed science so far. It is a soft material that reacts to pressure. When a man touches it for the first time, he cannot believe how great it feels.
TPE is cheaper than silicone. You can save hundreds of dollars with a silicone sex doll and at the same time get a more realistic feeling. Premium love dolls from TPE are very adaptable. You can arrange your beauty in any position that a real lady would do. If you take care of your TPE sex doll, you will be able to do company for a decade.

Robot Sex Doll

Robot Sex Dolls: Advantages of TPE material

TPE consists of the combination of plastic and rubber components. When it comes to advantages, it offers the best of all worlds. TPE love dolls have been widespread lately, although there have been silicone dolls for years. You get the realistic appearance of silicone and at the same time a more natural feel and more flexibility.
Sex dolls from TPE are hypoallergenes. You shouldn't worry if you notice rashes when your skin comes into contact with unusual materials. You can hold your TPE doll on your body as long as you want without being irritated. Men who sleep with their dolls report that they sleep more firmly and feel safer when waking up because they are not alone. Silicone dolls can cause allergic reactions in certain people. This difficulty never occurs at TPE.

Robotic Sex Dolls: Who invented sex dolls?

The Internet is a dead end of information that has been proven to be good, right, right or wrong, wrong or true. It does not matter. You can find absolutely everything on the World Wide Web.
However, it can be frustrating if you try to research something that you are interested in, but all you find are articles that repeat yourself by saying the same things.
This is a problem when trying to research things that have happened in the course of history, because who knows the hell at all how some things happened?
Nobody who was not there can not know what happened, and this makes it possible to spread a variety of incidental misinformations to the left and right.
Studies show that RALDOLL is both physically and mentally healthy. People who own dolls have positive effects on their physical and physiological health. In the following, some of the medical reasons are listed that show why sex dolls can be used in a healthy way.
Such a popular theory says that Mr. Adolf Hitler himself was the only inventor of the most coveted sex object - a sex doll.
It is strange to think that this man between the beginning of the Second World War, the execution of people on the left and right and the spread of his toxic and racist agenda had the time to think about how to make life a little easier for his loyal soldiers At the same time, health can keep health.
Or did that even take care of him? Let's take a look at what we know and what we do not know and hopefully find an answer to the always burning question of who invented love dolls.
To do this, we have to return to Nazi Germany about eighty years ago.

Robot Sex Doll Porn: The "Borghild project"

Historians recorded the battles, atrocities, the slaughter and the consequences of the Second World War for a long time. This is probably the most helpful manual for how we should not be in life, but a secret project that dates from this cursed time remains mysterious to this day.
The "Borghild project" was (allegedly) a super secret project that provided Nazi soldiers to bladded sex dolls, all in hope and to stop the spread of syphilis.
However, the evidence of the wild conspiracy theory in relation to this project is best described as incomplete, so that the probability is great that it is probably not a real story.
It definitely sounds like a cool idea when one of the worst men who have ever lived on this earth is the inventor of something as useful as a shemale sex dolls, which is why many people have decided to roll with history.
It's not that Hitler can deny or confirm this anyway, right? So just let's go crazy. People who want to believe that will probably do it because it sounds too damn cool to ignore it.
However, if you are someone who likes to be critical to find out the truth, there are some true facts from this time:
The Nazis were crazy about Parisian prostitutes
The occupation of France by the Nazis in 1940 led to many social contacts between German soldiers and Paris prostitutes, and the resulting outbreak of syphilis led to the fact that many supervisors could not fulfill their assigned tasks. We all know that they suppressed Jews and terrorized innocent people and get their high and tight haircuts.
So something had to be done about it, right?
In a document that was allegedly uncovered by journalist Norbert Lenz (who, by the way, has only published this article alone and otherwise nothing), wrote SS boss Heinrich Himmler: 窶弋he greatest danger in Paris is the widespread and uncontrolled presence of whores that To catch up in bars, dance restaurants and other places. It is our duty to prevent soldiers from risking their health for a quick adventure. "
Himmler's solution was not to say " to tell the men that they should stop embedding French whores ". Instead, Himmler (as it means) said: " We make plastic women who have no diseases! " And so the Borghild project, which is strictly secret above, was born.
Alleged development of the perfect woman

Sex Robot Doll

Hitler (supposedly) liked this idea and he signed the plan, which is why SS boss Himmler Franz Tschakert from the German Hygiene Museum quickly commissioned to design and manufacture the desired Afro sex dolls.
Mr. Tschakert was a real person: in 1927 he created the "transparent man" - an anatomically correct transparent sculpture by a man who caused a stir in Germany in the 1930s - and was therefore commissioned to design a perfect female counterpart, but Not for the same purposes, of course.
However, a reasonable question arose very quickly, and the Nazis recognized a big mistake in their plan. Namely, nobody wanted to do evil with a doll. It was something unknown.
After these proposals had been taken into account, the team of hygiene museum immediately got to work.
Initially, sex dolls with aluminum skeletons were considered, but rejected. Tschakert finally opted for "galvanoplastic" dolls made of elastin, a plastic -like material for adult toys.
Created the perfect woman
As soon as the material problem was solved, the manufacturers of intelligent sex dolls turned to the actual design of the woman, and this would obviously lead to many different opinions about what the perfect woman would actually look like.
We all have different tastes and what a sculptor found attractive was not necessarily something that others found to be attractive.
These disagreements mean that Dr. At that time, Tschakert invited famous athletes Wilhelmina von Bremen and Annette Walter to model for the development of sex dolls that will ultimately resemble their body.
However, the plaster prints proved to be extremely disappointing. Dr. Tschakert described them as "Sometimes the legs are too short and look deformed, or the lady has a hollow back and arms like a wrestler."
Finally, Dr. Tschakert and his team for a stylized representation of a woman with tangible but not too big breasts and an athletic look.
The next challenge that the manufacturers of World Cup did were the facial features, which is also obvious. Some men liked prominent chin, other prominent cheeks, but everyone agreed that it was not just the body who excited a man.
This led to Dr. Tschakert essentially wrote: V "If the soldier loves Borghild, it has nothing to do with love. Therefore, the face of our anthropomorphic sex machine should be exactly as Weininger described the face of the willful person. "