A tomfoolery turn on an exemplary fish salad, this fish avocado sandwich is rich, simple and very delicious. It meets up in minutes and makes for the most flavorful lunch!

Two fish avocado plate of mixed greens sandwiches with glasses of water behind them.
On the off chance that you're continuously searching for novel plans to stir up your lunch routine (and you appreciate canned fish), then, at that point, this fish avocado sandwich is for you!

Canned fish sandwiches are a staple in our home (hi salmon plate of mixed greens sandwich and fish dissolve) and we generally, consistently, have avocado.

Try not to misunderstand me, I'm a major mayo sweetheart, yet once in a while I need to stir things up a bit, make my fish salad sandwiches somewhat lighter. That is the point at which I choose fish sandwiches without mayo.

By utilizing avocado rather than mayo, you actually get all the rich fantastic surface (like you would with a normal fish salad sandwich) however in an alternate structure.

Serve this fish avocado plate of mixed greens with pickle, hot peppers and chips for one delicious lunch!


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