MITRE Evaluations の Turla(2023)の個人的な分析(その3) | reverse-eg-mal-memoのブログ









User activity (UA)



Malware Inside Behavior (MIB)


Command Level Behavior/Leaves traces to be detected in the OS (CB/LT)




Network (Nt)


File or data attribute (Attr)













シナリオ1 Carbon

Step Detection criteria UA MIB CB/LT Nt Attr
1.A.1 Gunter clicks link in email from and downloads NTFVersion.exe        
1.A.2 Gunter executes NTFVersion.exe        
1.A.3 mxs_installer.exe is embedded inside NTFVersion.exe via the Resource Section        
1.A.4 NTFVersion.exe modifies Gunter's Winlogon Registry Key        
1.A.5 NTFVersion.exe modifies Shell key value to include mxs_installer.exe        
2.A.1 EPIC Guard DLL is embedded inside the Resource Section of mxs_installer.exe        
2.A.2 mxs_installer.exe injects EPIC GUARD DLL into explorer.exe via CreateRemoteThread        
2.A.3 explorer.exe enumerates process list via CreateToolhelp32Snapshot        
2.A.4 EPIC Worker DLL is embedded inside the Resource Section of explorer.exe's Guard DLL        
2.A.5 explorer.exe injects EPIC Worker DLL into msedge.exe via CreateRemoteThread        
2.A.6 msedge.exe enumerates all users on the local machine via NetUserEnum        
2.A.7 msedge.exe enumerates Gunter's files via FindFirstFile & FindNextFile        
2.A.8 msedge.exe bzip2 compresses discovery output in memory        
2.A.9 msedge.exe base64 encodes discovery output in memory        
2.A.10 msedge.exe connects to shoppingbeach[.]org over HTTP protocol        
2.A.11 msedge.exe connects to adversary's compromised proxy - shoppingbeach[.]org        
3.A.1 cmd.exe executes various net group commands        
3.A.2 cmd.exe executes "tasklist /svc"        
3.A.3 msedge.exe uses a temporary AES key to encrypt command output in memory        
3.A.4 msedge.exe RSA encrypts the AES temporary key in memory        
3.A.5 cmd.exe reg queries the ViperVPNSvc service        
3.A.6 cmd.exe executes powershell.exe to verify to which users can access the ViperVPN service        
3.A.7 cmd.exe modifies the ViperVPN service registry key        
4.A.1 svchost.exe creates C:\Windows\System32\WinResSvc.exe        
4.A.2 WinResSvc.exe uses filenames mressvc.dll and MSSVCCFG.DLL to appear as benign/legitimate        
4.A.3 WinResSvc.exe calls OpenSCManager & CreateService API to create WinResSvc service        
4.A.4 WinResSvc.exe writes ServiceDLL value to the WinResSvc\Parameters Registry Key via RegCreateKey & RegSetValue API        
4.A.5 WinResSvc.exe writes SystemRestoreGroup value to the Svchost Registry Key​ via RegCreateKey & RegSetValue API        
4.A.6 WinResSvc.exe starts WinSys Restore Service via StartService API        
4.A.7 svchost.exe injects into msedge.exe via CreateRemoteThread API        
4.A.8 msedge.exe connects to prendre-des-vacances[.]fr over HTTP protocol        
4.A.9 msedge.exe receives RSA encrypted symmetric key        
4.A.10 msedge.exe receives CAST-128 encrypted tasking        
4.A.11 svchost.exe executes commands via CreateProcess        
4.A.12 svchost.exe executes cmd.exe        
4.A.13 cmd.exe executes whoami        
4.A.14 Msedge.exe CAST-128 encrypts task output        
4.A.15 Msedge.exe base64 encodes task output        
5.A.1 msedge.exe creates winsas64.bat        
5.A.2 cmd.exe executes winsas64.bat        
5.A.3 winsas64.bat sprays several weak passwords against domain admin accounts        
5.A.4 svchost.exe spawns cmd.exe to delete winsas64.bat        
5.A.5 msedge.exe creates C:\Windows\Temp\wmimetricsq.exe        
5.A.6 svchost.exe moves C:\Windows\Temp\wmimetricsq.exe to \\bannik\C$\Windows\System32        
5.A.7 svchost.exe enumerates, modifies, and executes remote scheduled task \Microsoft\Windows\Customer Experience Improvement Program\Consolidator        
5.A.8 msedge.exe writes to dsnap for C2 comms through hobgoblin        
5.A.9 cmd.exe executes net group /domain        
5.A.10 cmd.exe executes dsquery        
6.A.1 msedge.exe creates C:\Windows\Temp\terabox.exe        
6.A.2 cmd.exe moves terabox.exe to System32 folder        
6.A.3 cmd.exe executes terabox.exe        
7.A.1 msedge.exe creates C:\Windows\Temp\wsqsp.exe        
7.A.2 msedge.exe creates C:\Windows\Temp\wsqmanager.exe        
7.A.3 cmd.exe executes terabox.exe to pass the hash with previously discovered Adalwolfa creds        
7.A.4 msedge.exe connects to eunewswire[.]eu over HTTP protocol        
7.A.5 cmd.exe deletes terabox.exe, wsqsp.exe, and wsqmanager.exe        
8.A.1 msedge.exe creates wingtsvcupdt.exe        
8.A.2 wingtsvcupdt.exe logs keystrokes to %temp%\~DFA512.tmp        
8.A.3 cmd.exe deletes mwingtsvcupdt.exe and ~DFA512.tmp        
9.A.1 msedge.exe creates C:\Windows\Temp\tmp504e.tmp        
9.A.2 msedge.exe creates C:\Windows\Temp\pscp.exe        
9.A.3 cmd.exe executes pscp.exe to copy tmp504e.tmp to as /tmp/tmp514f524f using Adalwolfa's credentials        
9.A.4 msedge.exe creates C:\Windows\Temp\plink.exe        
9.A.5 cmd.exe executes plink to execute /root/hsperfdata        
9.A.6 cmd.exe deletes tmp504e.tmp, pscp.exe, and plink.exe        
9.A.7 hsperfdata has encrypted strings in the binary        
9.A.8 hsperfdata masquerades as cron by executing from /usr/bin/cron        
9.A.9 hsperfdata adds executable flag to created file cron        
9.A.10 hsperfdata stops the cron service        
9.A.11 hsperfdata modifies/restarts the cron service        
9.A.12 cron installs a TCP filter on the eth0 interface        
9.A.13 cron sniffs network traffic on eth0 for the magic packet        
10.A.1 cron receives and triggers on a TCP packet containing a magic sequence of bytes        
10.A.2 TCP packet payload data is base64 encoded        
10.A.3 cron executes a reverse shell to        
10.A.4 Watering hole via Javascript is established on the apache server        
   (合計) 2 25 36 8 5




シナリオ2 Snake

Step Detection criteria UA MIB CB/LT Nt Attr
11.A.1 Egle browses to and is redirected to and downloads NFVersion_5e.exe        
11.A.2 Multiple snippets of JavaScript are executed        
11.A.3 Egle executes NFVersion_5e.exe        
11.A.4 msedge.exe connects to svobodaukrayin[.]ua over HTTPS protocol        
11.A.5 msedge.exe connects to the adversary's compromised proxy - svobodaukrayin[.]ua        
11.A.6 msedge.exe spawns cmd.exe to execute "systeminfo"        
12.A.1 msedge.exe downloads C:\Users\Egle\Desktop\gupsys.exe        
12.A.2 gusbsys.exe installs vulnerable driver - C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallQ608317$
12.A.3 gupsys.exe disables driver signature enforcement (DSE)        
12.A.4 gupsys.exe installs C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallQ385719$
12.A.5 gupsys.exe removes gbyte.sys and re-enables DSE        
12.A.6 gup.sys XOR decodes msnrcv64t.dll        
12.A.7 msnrcv64t.dll is embedded inside gup.sys        
12.A.8 gup.sys hooks various SYSCALL functions at runtime        
12.A.9 gup.sys registers a Filtering Windows Platform Management (FWPM) Filter ​        
12.A.10 gup.sys injects msnrcv64t.dll into msedge.exe/taskhostw.exe        
12.A.11 msedge.exe XOR encrypts HTTP traffic to bestcafenews[.]com        
12.A.12 msedge.exe connects tobestcafenews[.]com over HTTP protocol        
12.A.13 gupsys.exe deletes gbyte.sys        
13.A.1 taskhostw.exe executes commands via CreateProcessW        
13.A.2 taskhostw.exe executes tasklist.exe /v        
13.A.3 taskhostw.exe writes output to a named pipe svccommsdev that msedge.exe reads        
13.A.4 taskhostw.exe executes net.exe user /domain EgleAdmin        
13.A.5 taskhostw.exe enumerates a list of running processes        
13.A.6 taskhostw.exe duplicates Egle's access token        
13.A.7 taskhostw.exe executes net.exe with Egle's access token via CreateProcessWithTokenW        
13.A.8 taskhostw.exe enumerates a list of shares via net use        
14.A.1 msedge.exe downloads fs_cmu_v2.exe and file_svc_mgr.exe to named pipe svcsvcctrldev that taskhostw.exe reads        
14.A.2 taskhostw.exe writes fs_cmu_v2.exe and file_svc_mgr.exe to System32 folder on Azuloas        
14.A.3 taskhostw.exe authenticates as EgleAdmin to gain access to berzas        
14.A.4 file_svc_mgr.exe executes fs_cmu_v2.exe on Berzas as EgleAdmin        
14.A.5 msedge.exe on Berzas connects to themedicalinfo[.]net over HTTP protocol        
14.A.6 taskhostw.exe deletes file_svc_mgr.exe and fs_cmu_v2.exe        
15.A.1 taskhostw.exe executes powershell.exe with flags "-nol -noni -nop -enc" and arguments "$ProgressPreference = \"SilentlyContinue\"; Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name ActiveDirectory"        
15.A.2 taskhostw.exe enumerates Active Directory groups via Get-ADGroup        
15.A.3 taskhostw.exe enumerates accounts belonging to domain groups (Domain Admins and Server Management) via Get-ADGroupMember        
15.A.4 taskhostw.exe enumerates account information (Zilvinas and ZilvinasAdmin) via Get-ADUser        
15.A.5 taskhostw.exe enumerates domain computer information via Get-ADComputer        
16.A.1 msedge.exe downloads loadperf.exe (mimikatz), fs_mgr.exe (psexec), and fs_cmu.exe (Snake installer) to named pipe (svcsvcctrldev) that taskhostw.exe reads        
16.A.2 taskhostw.exe writes loadperf.exe (mimikatz), fs_mgr.exe (psexec), and fs_cmu.exe (Snake installer) to System32 folder on Berzas        
16.A.3 taskhostw.exe dumps credentials using Mimikatz sekurlsa::logonpasswords        
17.A.1 taskhostw.exe executes a pass-the-hash attack to authenticate as ZilvinasAdmin and use PsExec to execute the third Snake installer on uosis        
17.A.2 msedge.exe connects to worldcup2023aus[.]org over HTTP protocol        
17.A.3 taskhostw.exe deletes fs_mgr.exe, loadperf.exe, and fs_cmu.exe        
17.A.4 taskhostw.exe enumerates running processes via "tasklist.exe /v" to discover ZilvinasAdmin process        
17.A.5 taskhostw.exe creates a new domain admin Leshy using ZilvinasAdmin access token        
18.A.1 msedge.exe downloads and writes mtxconf.dll, mtxcli.dll, msiex.ps1, perfe009.dat, wdr.rules.xml to a named pipe svcsvcctrldev that taskhostw.exe reads​        
18.A.2 taskhostw.exe writes mtxconf.dll, mtxcli.dll, msiex.ps1, perfe009.dat, wdr.rules.xml to System32 folder        
18.A.3 taskhostw.exe copies above files to DREBULE C$        
18.A.4 winmail.dat masquerades as the file attachment created by Microsoft Outlook (        
18.A.5 taskhostw.exe uses WMIC to execute msiex.ps1 on drebule, via CreateProcessWithToken, using a copy of ZilvinasAdmin's token        
18.A.6 cmd.exe executes powershell.exe on DREBULE        
18.A.7 LightNeuron is installed as a Microsoft.Exchange.Transport.Agent
18.A.8 LightNeuron masquerades as a benign connection filtering agent        
18.A.9 taskhostw.exe deletes msiex.ps1, wdr.rules.xml, mtxconf.dll, mtxcli.dll, perfe009.dat        
19.A.1 EdgeTransport.exe reads emails containing JPG attachments for C2 communications        
19.A.2 EdgeTransport.exe uses steganography to extract C2 communications from JPG attachment        
19.A.3 the jpg is base64 encoded        
19.A.4 EdgeTransport.exe spawns cmd.exe to execute commands via _popen        
19.A.5 EdgeTransport.exe spawns cmd.exe to execute ipconfig /all        
19.A.6 EdgeTransport.exe AES encrypts command output to be returned to the C2        
19.A.7 EdgeTransport.exe uses steganography to embed C2 communications in JPG attachment        
19.A.8 The JPG attachment is base64 encoded to be added as an attachment to a MIME formatted email        
19.A.9 EdgeTransport.exe communicates to the C2 server in an email to via .eml written to "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\TransportRoles\Pickup\"        
19.A.10 EdgeTransport.exe rejects delivery of emails containing C2 communications        
19.A.11 EdgeTransport.exe collects and logs all incoming emails to nk.local to C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles
19.A.12 EdgeTransport.exe exfiltrates the email log file over its existing C2 channel        
  (合計) 2 24 26 10 5