So, Miyavi released new PV and the tour dates... SWEET!!!!!ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ Even though I am not *so* big a fan as I used to be I will be going to FOUR, that's right, FOUR of the dates. I promised Nex that I would be going to LA with her, and I am to go to Boston, DC and NYC dates... I've never been to DC!! And I've only been to Boston once, for Typherus... I don't care that Seileen and GPKISM were playing too, Typherus was what I went to see! Ahhh Typherus... ラブラブ

ANNNNND DuelJewel's Shun made an english fan page in Pigg. Tina and Niki HAVE HAVEHAVE HAVE to join Ameba now. xD Very sweet of him to think of those whose Japaneseis... questionable... at best. o(;△;)oラブラブ
Also, DuelJewel are tied with the Gazette on one of the fanpages for Artist of theWeek on Facebook. :D the Duel Jewel Fans page itself is about to hit 300, we are GROWING~~ and EVOLVING~~~ lots of people joined after Nic and I started our standupcomedy act with the page comments xD BACK TO THE ANUS!! is a popular one... ahh good thing Nic's not completely Nihongo Illiterate like myself...
Oh yeah, we got some ACTUAL JAPANESE fans joining the myspace branch of the support page (@Д@;I am still surprised!!!!!!!! ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ but the more the if only Duel Jewel would come and play here, it may be some time before I can go see them in Tokyo~