tout (無理やり)売りつける - - attempt to sell (something), typically by pestering people in an aggressive or bold manner.- - Jim was touting his wares.

diner 食事をする人、食堂車 a person who is eating, typically a customer in a restaurant. a dining car on a train.

soak 浸す、浸る make or allow (something) to become thoroughly wet by immersing it in liquid. - - Soak the beans overnight in water.

span 跨る (of a bridge, arch, etc.) extend from side to side of. - - The stream was spanned by a narrow bridge.

purge 除去する rid (someone or something) of an unwanted quality, condition, or feeling. - - Bob had helped purge Martha of the terrible guilt that had haunted her. (v2) 追放する remove (a group of people considered undesirable) from an organization or place in an abrupt or violent way. - - He purged all but 26 of the central committee members. 

stand in 代役 a person who stands in for another, especially in a performance; a substitute. - - His stand-in does all the dancing sequences.

shorthand 速記 a method of rapid writing by means of abbreviations and symbols, used especially for taking dictation. The major systems of shorthand are those devised in 1837 by Sir Isaac Pitman and in 1888 by John R. Gregg (1867–1948). - - He took notes in shorthand.

siren GREEK MYTHOLOGY each of a number of women or winged creatures whose singing lured unwary sailors on to rocks. (n2) police-car wailers; a device that makes a loud prolonged sound as a signal or warning.- - ambulance sirens

kiddo お前 used as a friendly or slightly condescending form of address. - - You're getting what you deserve, kiddo,

deity (多神教の)神 a god or goddess (in a polytheistic religion). - - a deity of ancient Greece

hen 鶏、メスの家禽 a female bird, especially of a domestic fowl.

sulk 不機嫌になる be silent, morose, and bad-tempered out of annoyance or disappointment. - - He was sulking over the breakup of his band.

irk 困らせる irritate; annoy.- - It irks her to think of the runaround she received.

runaround 困難 difficult or awkward treatment, especially in which someone is evasive or avoids a question. - - The times he got the runaround looking for work.