trudge through とぼとぼ歩く walk slowly and with heavy steps, typically because of exhaustion or harsh conditions. - - I trudged up the stairs. 私は階段をとぼとぼと登った。

yen  憧れ(る) (n) a longing or yearning. - - The continuing boom in the economy is allowing many consumers to indulge their yen for high-end toys. (v) feel a longing or yearning. - - It's no use yenning for the old simplicities.

lather 泡 a frothy white mass of bubbles produced by soap or a similar cleansing substance when mixed with water. - - She rinsed off the lather and dried her hands.

whir ひゅーという音を出す (especially of a machine or a bird's wings) make a low, continuous, regular sound. - - The ceiling fans whirred in the smoky air.

slog  一生懸命働く  work hard over a period of time. - - They were slogging away to meet a deadline.

plume  飾り羽 a long, soft feather or arrangement of feathers used by a bird for display or worn by a person for ornament.- - A hat with a jaunty ostrich plume.華やかなダチョウの羽根が付いた帽子

snip  ちょきちょき切る cut (something) with scissors or shears, typically with small quick strokes. - - She inspected the embroidery, snipping at loose threads.

tehee  笑い声 little laugh

wee  とても小さい tiny, little

recap  要約(する) a summary of what has been said; a recapitulation. - - A quick recap of the idea and its main advantages.

stab  試み an attempt to do (something). - - Meredith made a feeble stab at joining in.

foodie  食通 a person with a particular interest in food; a gourmet. - - He is an avid foodie and successful restaurateur. 彼は熱心なグルメで、成功したレストラン経営者です