The Skater .NET Obfuscator is a comprehensive professional solution for .NET application code protection. With Skater .NET Obfuscator you can easily protect Microsoft .NET applications from reverse engineering, code modification and intellectual property theft. The obfuscated application code is more protected and unreadable, because the program logic is very confusing after the obfuscation applied to the original readable code. Code obfuscation is a form of software protection against unauthorized reverse-engineering. The chief functions of any software protection technique can be determined as detection of pirate attempts to decipher or tamper software, protection against such attempts and alteration of software to ensure that its functionality degrades in an undetectable manner if the protection fails. Learn more at the following website at to so how the Skater .NET Obfuscator can help you and your business.

Now that you know more obfuscation about the Skater .NET Obfuscator, let’s talk about what a .NET Obfuscator does. Some people out there might have you believe that obfuscation is useless, unnecessary or even a waste of time, but those folks couldn’t be more wrong. In fact, obfuscation is one of the most important components within any modern software development toolkit. Without it, your code is literally sitting in plain sight for anyone who wants to steal it. To steal your code or application, hackers will typically begin by reverse engineering and stepping through your product with a debugger. Whether they are stealing trade secrets, trying to pirate or counterfeit your app, or simply looking to bypass licensing checks or change your product functionality, these actions all start with reverse-engineering and stepping through the application with a debugger.

By obfuscating your application with advanced obfuscation techniques, you can make it extremely difficult for attackers to decompile and re-engineer your application. Obfuscation can be used to protect desktop, mobile, server and embedded applications. It can help prevent unauthorized IP disclosure, reduce piracy and counterfeiting, limit tampering and protect against debugging and reversing. Renaming and obfuscating the names of methods and variables makes it harder for humans to read the decompiled source, but does not alter program execution in any way. Changing variable or method return types to more obscure values also hides the return value and makes it more difficult for hackers to know what the code is doing. Code transposition, a common transform that reorders routines or branches of the program to obfuscate it, is another simple method that helps mask the logic of your program. Using reflection classes, a programmer can look into assemblies at runtime and query existing data types for information. A savvy hacker will use this to create new objects at runtime, discover data type dependencies and reorder code. By obfuscating your assembly with advanced obfuscation technologies, you can disable this ability to access data and create new types, and thereby, make it much more difficult for attackers to decompile and disassemble your code or application. Another important aspect of obfuscation is that it can remove or hide metadata from the compiled assembly. This can significantly improve performance and decrease application size, making it difficult for attackers to analyze the compiled binary or reassemble your application.

Lastly, obfuscation can replace the bodies of unused methods with anonymized stubs, which makes it more difficult for an attacker to discover the original method body. The strength of the obfuscation is determined by how hard it is for an automated deobfuscator to detect changes. The more obfuscation steps are applied, the stronger the obfuscated code is. Now that you know more about what a .NET Obfuscator does, it is time to go back to the website link above to find out more about the Skater .NET Obfuscator.