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I hope it will be of some help to those who are interested in Indonesia.


I have considered the reasons why Japanese are popular in Indonesia and summarized them into the following three points.

(1) Comparatively rich

(2) White skin

(3) Japanese culture


(1) The average annual income of Japanese people is about 4 million yen, while the average annual income of Indonesians is about 330,000 yen (as of 2022). The difference is more than 12 times. Furthermore, Indonesia has a population of nearly 300 million people, and the Indonesian economy is a disparate society dominated by the wealthy, who account for about 10% of the population. Considering this, the median annual income of Indonesians is considered to be even lower than 330,000 yen. Furthermore, considering that Japanese expatriates in Indonesia are basically earning 1.5 to almost 2 times higher than the average annual income in Japan, the income gap is considered to be more than 20 times higher. Of course, there are some very wealthy people in Indonesia, so it cannot be said that Japanese people generally have higher annual incomes, but it is not an exaggeration to say that Japanese people are generally richer. Therefore, Japanese are generally popular in Indonesia.








(2) Compared to Indonesians, Japanese people generally have fair skin. Indonesians have a very strong yearning for white skin. When living in Indonesia, it is not uncommon to hear locals say, "You have fair skin. For Indonesians, fair skin is a status that conjures up images of good upbringing and riches. The richest people in Indonesia are Chinese Indonesians, and some of them have whiter skin than Japanese. Some of them have skin whiter than that of Japanese, to the point that one wonders if they really live in Indonesia. Therefore, in general, Japanese who have whiter skin than Indonesians are popular in Indonesia.








(3)It is no exaggeration to say that Indonesia is the most pro-Japanese country in the world. I have been to about 10 foreign countries, and Indonesia is a very pro-Japan country. Japanese anime, manga, Japanese food, and Japanese products are very familiar to Indonesians. They still admire Japan, and even having a Japanese friend is a status symbol for them. In addition, there are approximately 70,000 Indonesian students of Japanese, which is the second largest number in the world after China. Considering these factors, Japanese people are extremely rare among Indonesians. On the contrary, it would be more difficult to find a reason why they are not popular.


To use a Japanese analogy, for example, I am a good-looking American with an annual income of 80 million yen.


That's all for now. Have a nice day, everyone.