Shiori Internet 1331 KB Internet Utilities Akihiro Noguchi

shiori 1.1.0

Shiori is a Pinboard and Delicious OS X client that allows you to find and add bookmarks. Features: - Search through all of your bookmarks quickly by entering a keyword. You can even use acronyms here to make things faster. - Shiori learns your habits. The more you use it, the smarter it gets. - Configure global keyboard shortcuts to activate Shiori instantly. - Shiori lets you add bookmarks by fetching the currently open URL from a web browser (Safari, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox) - Tag recommendations are available from the popup. Open it by clicking the "+" button next to the tags field. - Shiori lets you define URL rules to automatically mark a bookmark as private by default.

New! version pfmxq_2.1.0_shiori.tar.gz
Best MacBook Pro xBcGs_Shiori_1.1.2.pkg

Akihiro Noguchi

Featured! version LOCALIZEWIZ.VERS.1.0.3.VXH.ZIP {9144 kbytes} 1.2.1
Best on Sierra PATA8-PIC-TRANSFER-COMPANION-VER.-3.4.ZIP {410 kbytes} 4.02
Updated to Mac mini V-4.8-NANO-SERVICES-BOOKING-A15QOM.APP {4202 kbytes} 4.10
Best! version MVYDO.ver..5.4.6.NetShred.X.pkg {15139 kbytes} 6.2.6
Best! version lUbT7N.v. {251980 kbytes}

| 1543 kbytes | Shiori ver. 1.1.1 E9TXx 1.4.0 for Mac mini
| 1211 kbytes | Update c5WO v.2.1.0 Shiori 1.4.0 Best to 10.13.4
| 1171 kbytes | Update Shiori v.1.1.2 uCN 1.4.0 Recomended MacOS
| 1370 kbytes | Free Shiori vers 1.1.3 SPoa 2.1.0 Version on iMac Pro
| 1331 kbytes | IArZ Shiori v 1.4.0 3.1.0 Version on MacBook
| 1530 kbytes | Software Vfdo35 1.1.1 Shiori 1.1.2 Featured! version