バイリンガルベジタリアン -2ページ目





I agree that Japan will benefit overall from hosting the 2020 summer Olympics. I guess many people think it is beneficial due to the construction of buildings and roads or decreasing unemployment rate. I agree on that too, but I also have different views. Today , I will tell you what they are.




First, I am hoping more Japanese people will become interested in vegetarianism when they meet some vegetarians from overseas. Most Japanese people still don’t know what vegetarianism or veganism is. Many of them assume that humans can’t live without eating meat. On the other hand, vegetarians or vegans are not rare at all in Western countries, proving that you can live happily and healthy without eating meat. The vegetarian diet has a lot of benefits. I believe the sudden influx of people from countries around the world will play a pivotal role in Japanese society understanding and integrating such diets into their daily lives. In doing so, both people’s health and the environment around them will vastly improve.




Second, we can also show-off Japanese good manners to the people coming from overseas. More so than Western countries, Japanese people are raised to be considerate and to please people whenever possible. That’s why most of us never steal, never litter in public places and always try to cooperate with other people. When the visitors to Japan witness these acts, they will be so impressed by the Japanese behavior that he or she will do the same and there will be more people who conduct themselves in a responsible manner in the world.




Finally, I think there will be less conflict between countries if people know each other better. No one wants to hurt the people who they think are friends. The Olympics are giving us a huge opportunity to make friends in other countries and to narrow the gaps between all the individual nations of the world. When we understand other people’s cultures and customs, we can feel closer to them and will thus be able to treat one other with the respect they deserve.




For the above reasons, not only Japan, but also other countries will benefit from the Olympics. It’s not just a sports event, it is a great chance to exchange our culture and make the world better.










「arrival of a lot of people in a short time」= 「sudden influx of people」

「be a very important part」= 「play a pivotal role」

「get a lot better」= 「vastly improve」



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If you are interested about a raw food diet or the lesson, you can learn more from here.


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