ついに、、解体完了!! 心配になり、色々確認が必要と感じ、急遽午後半休を頂き、実家の
解体業者さん、綺麗にして下さいました!! ど素人なので、、変な質問してしまったり・・・・。

My place has been finally demolished to build a new house for reborn. I was so worried if the deconstruction went well or if there would be any troubles occurred...  It finished two days ealirer than expected... So, I felt I needed to visit my place 

to see if everything would be OK and took half-day off. 


 My old one gave me precious priceless memories since I was born, having fun with my family and lots of friends. I felt something sad and it was like part of my body was missing.. But, this place will change into the new era, inheriting the old one. 



Anyway,  during the destruction of the old house, my farther was helping the worker involed in the demolition work. I don't know why though...


They were all foreigners from South East Asia and Gana. He could speak little bit of their language and maybe, he wanted to communicate with them...

Also, I heard that he had my Mom make asian-style lunch called Nashigoren for the staff yesterday and had a lunch together with them. Hearing it, my heart felt something warm and it reminded me of my childhood.


 When I was kid, my father used to bring his guests from foreign countries to have home party or took them to sightseeing places such as Yokohama or Disneyland while he was back in Japan, and which experiences widened my sense of view and motivated me to study English. So, I felt missing old days of my life.