I'm going to write a blog from 

early morning today.(*ᴗˬᴗ)⁾⁾⁾

Thank you for always reading.おねがい

I thought about writing in Japanese once 

in a while, but I decided to write 

in English.ニコ

I was glad to talk to him yesterday 

after a long time.ニコニコ

When I heard his voice, 

I cried and worried him,ショボーンあせる

 but I was happy.爆笑ドキドキ

I really wanted this happiness to 

continue forever.ショボーン

I want to see Richard.えーん

Richard, I love you.ラブラブラブラブラブラブラブラブピンクハートハート

I did not go to bed last night(*꒪꒫꒪)チーン

Considering his illness, I couldn't sleep.ショボーン

He made a return of United States, 

but He has been sick。°(°´ᯅ`°)°。

Every time I get contacted many times from 

a hospital in Texas,my heart is cry.(⸝⸝o̴̶̷᷄ ·̭ o̴̶̷̥᷅⸝⸝) 

I can't deal with him because I'm not close.

This situation is very sad.ショボーンガーン

When can I see him!?お願い

I don't ask anyone, but I want to ask someone.えーん

I had a quarrel with him today,ショボーン
the weak part came out since 
he was hospitalizedあせる
Illness has changed him.お願い
I'm so sad when I think of him that 
I can't stop crying.ショボーン
Don't think too much,My Darling
You're not alone.(=´∀`)人(´∀`=)
I will be by your side all the timeドキドキラブラブ
I love you so much,My Darlingピンクハートハート