Rakketyのブログ -2ページ目



OtsukaReina 得意げ パー

The eye bags under Reina's eyes are reaching it's limits。 。 。 (lol)

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Today was the 3rd concert but

I've been working since early this morning

It's actually been a really fast day (°O °)

That's something worth being happy about ドキドキ ドキドキ ドキドキ ドキドキ ドキドキ

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Every word that the fans said made me so happy キラキラ ラブラブ!


Well there's no reason that I shouldn't be happy? あせる

Being more and more happy is the right way to go ドキドキ

But my body is reaching it's limit so I'll be going to bed early あせる ドキドキ

Here are the clothes that I've been wearing today ドキドキ

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Isn't it really cute ドキドキ

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It's really easy to move around in these clothes ニコニコ チョキ キラキラ

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I'm going to put all my effort into the release event tomorrow 音符 音符 音符 音符 音符

Good Night ぐぅぐぅ ニコニコ パー

ドキドキKaito Reinya Blogドキドキ


クローバーUta no Rakuenクローバー

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Haaaaaaai キラキラ 田中れいなオフィシャルブログ「田中れいなのおつかれいなー」Powered by Ameba-9i6xe6_70.gif

The first event is over now ドキドキ

It was so much fun ラブラブ! アップ

Since I woke up at 4:30 this morning。 。 。

In the middle of the handshake event パー my eyes started getting droopy

I'm the only one that seems to be dead tired

but I'll make it through somehow ドキドキ ドキドキ ドキドキ

To answer the question beforee

Number 1 ドキドキ Life

Number 2 ドキドキ Family・and all my fans ラブラブ! 田中れいなオフィシャルブログ「田中れいなのおつかれいなー」Powered by Ameba-9jkpVe_70.gif

It seems that a lot of you got that right !!

How ーー boring (lol)

So everyone、it seems you guys know a lot about Reina 音符 音符 音符

Thanks a lot ドキドキ ニコニコ パー


Still noーーreception ダウン ダウン ダウン ダウン ダウン

No matter what I do I can't findーーany ダウン ダウン ダウンダウン (lol) 田中れいなオフィシャルブログ「田中れいなのおつかれいなー」Powered by Ameba-9jkpVe_70.gif

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If I just keep sitting on the stairs the people that walk past just


and stare…

and more staring…

STARE…。あせる あせる あせる あせる あせる

Stop looking at ーー me 田中れいなオフィシャルブログ「田中れいなのおつかれいなー」Powered by Ameba-ff7bp4_70.gif

is what I want to scream out, right?

Just Kidding ドキドキ Te hee ラブラブ! 田中れいなオフィシャルブログ「田中れいなのおつかれいなー」Powered by Ameba-0i6DZ3_70.gif

But if there was a young person 携帯 sitting on the stairwell anywhere

anybody would stare at them ガーン あせる

This really is、my bad しょぼん パー

Well, Reina did just stare back?
(°O °)

Maybe I shouldn't have stared back though あせる
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Well, I've been able to blog all thanks to the stairwell here ドキドキ

Thanks a lot ニコニコ Stairwell ドキドキ グッド!

ドキドキKaito Reinya Blogドキドキ


クローバーUta no Rakuenクローバー

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Yahooooo ドキドキ ドキドキ ドキドキ

For the Hello Channel photo shoot 本 we went walking around Shibuya ニコニコキラキラ

With this makeup…

With these people☆…

Jaaa Jaaannnドキドキ ドキドキ ドキドキ

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We really stood out with this costume in the middle of Shibuya ラブラブ! ドキドキ

It was so much fun ドキドキ ドキドキ ドキドキ

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The operation for the day was 【Let's Clean Up our Streets】

With the numbers on our back キラキラ it filled us with even more vigor for the day ドキドキ ドキドキ ドキドキ ドキドキ ドキドキ ドキドキ

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Ahaha ニコニコ パー

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ドキドキ ドキドキ ドキドキ ドキドキ Here we started to collect the trash ドキドキ ドキドキ ドキドキ ドキドキ

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Usually when you are walking you don't pay much attention to the floor but (°O °)

But when you pay attention you will see cigarette butts and empty cans all over the place あせる あせる あせる あせる

We really shouldn't litter 得意げ あせる

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Combustible litter is in the red bag ☆

And incombustible trash ☆ belongs in the green one ドキドキ

And by the way, Reina had the green bag today (*´艸`) キラキラ

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↑We picked it up with this rod (笑)

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Since we were in Shibuya, there was obviously a lot of people

All the young people around the station

Were screaming out 『Tanaka!!

…but I didn't really pay attention to it (lol)

because they called me 『Tanaka』?

It's really scary あせる あせるあせる あせる

If it was 『Reina-chan』 I would have turned around and waved back ニコニコ ヘ ヘ ヘ (lol)

But I guess they did say Tanaka あせる

So it shouldn't really have been an issue? 笑

What an excuse ドキドキ

I'm sorry ドキドキ ドキドキ ニコニコ あせる ドキドキ ドキドキ

We went out onto the streets with this many people キラキラ to make the streets of Shibuya a beautiful place ドキドキ ドキドキ

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It was so much fun ニコニコ ドキドキ

And right now I've just arrived at the single release event hall アップ アップ アップ アップ アップアップ

Reina is going to die because our dressing room is out of range。 。 。

I am so depressed right now (lol)

Because at this point in time I am usually listening to the radio

while I write my blog ドキドキ ドキドキ ドキドキ ドキドキ ドキドキ

I feel like I'm going to kill myself because I'm out of range~~~~~~~ あせる あせる あせる あせる あせる あせる

Since my mobile 携帯 is my 3rd most precious thing !!

I guess some of you are wondering !? what number 1 and number 2 are aren't you 得意げ 耳 パー

You should already know, right?? ドキドキ ドキドキ ドキドキ

ドキドキKaito Reinya Blogドキドキ


クローバーUta no Rakuenクローバー

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