I was thinking why I want to work in LA

this is because I thought I love NEW


that was tooooo early to do this.

I love to watch love comedy movies to get something new idea.
unfortunately always there's LOVE thing.

I feel disappointed by it because I don't pursue it.

but look at me.
my feeling is always waving
I have never lived without love feeling

always it's in my mind
I have to be a person who can clams my idea clearly.

it's always

then I did in front of only one guy

why I love to speak English?
why I can't forget about him?

because I can argue to him
and it's in English

so.... I know now

Desire is not easy to get
now is time to be struggling.

so... lets do it!!!!!!

I hope nobody sees this blog, seriously. lol

I ve been thinking if I work for publish company in USA, but I couldn't.

I felt too early to stay or work, even try.

I became to be able to see my life as a LONG.
every time I see prison who I want to be always not young.
They are doing their own thing on matured age.

so why don't I do like it?

I will work for Japanese firm to learn various skills and go get a master in USA and work for.

I'm really happy to have this plan!
a column said when ppl have smt, u can't help thinking of it automatically.

I didn't believe it, but he shows up on my FB a lot cuz of too many tags.



oh I miss USA a lot
but I know it's too early to work or stay there for me.