A problem that I have had to face as a parent at public school is how to prevent loss of learning during spring break or summer months. We try to keep us as involved as possible with the education of our children, although they are in public school.

This means during the summer months and school breaks, we want to make sure that our children stay fresh in their studies so that the school does not seem so difficult when they return.

I talked to the father of school at home, Lyn Lomasi about what parents can do to help their children stay up to date on their studies during school free time. The advice you have to give is amazing!

How can parents of public school students prevent loss of learning during the summer?

There are a variety of ways in which parents can help their students to prevent learning loss. A method is to enroll a child in an educational summer program. Other parents can choose to hire a tutor. Some other forms include an educational day trips, learning games, as well as establishing a study schedule that will not interfere with summer vacations. Reading and Mathematics are the two areas in which the loss of summer learning is the most common. Therefore, read daily books, as well as the matches practicing consistently during the summer, are essential for a parent who wants to prevent loss of learning during the summer.

What are some activities that parents can do with the children of primary school during the summer to help with mathematics?

Children from primary school are often more interested in playing than studying, especially during summer. Parents can take advantage of this as a means to provide valuable classes. If the parent is the one who is doing the teaching, the learning games and the manipulative toys can be used so that the child is interested. The excursions of the store, the planning of family vacations and the allocation of profits, all are activities that could be used to teach a math lesson without the child knows. Computer games, as well as outdoor activities can also help complement learning. There are also several websites that offer free work sheets, printable mathematics games and interactive computers classes. Some parents can also choose to hire a private guardian or enroll their child in a summer mathematics program. If a child takes summer classes or the father does all the teaching, the above activities will be a great help. In addition, reading comprehension aids in mathematical understanding, so daily reading is a necessity.

What are some activities that parents can do with the children of primary school during the summer to help with English?

Much of the English comes from the practice of language. Reading is important daily. Most parents know and understand that, but some do not think about the fact that there are several ways to do it. Reading aloud, as well as reading silently both are important. Allow your child to read her, but also leave time where the child reads silently alone. A child must also listen to the language. Therefore, parents can read their children, as well as to involve them in conversations throughout the day. When talking with children, try to launch some new words to keep them immersed in the learning of new English. If the children will force it, they will allow you to read dictionaries and encyclopedias. An alternative can be to show a word or words of the day in the fridge. The workbooks, learning games and tutoring can also be a great help.

What are some activities that parents can do with primary school children during the summer to help with spelling?

Daily reading and writing practice help sharpen spelling skills a big business. Another great way to do this is to play word games. There are many sets of words available in stores. Parents can also recover their own. Maybe the most popular word game of all is Scrabble. Scrabble is excellent for spelling skills, since words must be deleted correctly to receive any point. Other word games on the market include Boggle and Boggle JR and word Word Bingo. There are also many spelling games for the computer, as well as free printable spelling games. We have written hundreds of articles and related content in education and worksheets, check our work here at https://bit.ly/39PcvKf