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Date of placement: 5.08.2012
Author: Theda Skocpol
Total size: 10.01 MB
States and Social Revolutions : A Comparative Analysis of France, Russia and China book







Social Revolutions in the Modern World.

Preface. Introduction: The Comparative and Historical Study of Revolutions. Part I: THEORIES OF REVOLUTION. 1. Classic Approaches. Manifesto of the Communist Party by
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States and Social Revolutions : A Comparative Analysis of France, Russia and China

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    In this collection of essays, Theda Skocpol, author of the award-winning States and Social Revolutions (CUP, 1979), updates her arguments about social revolutions.
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    States and Social Revolutions : A Comparative Analysis of France, Russia and China

    Revolutions: Theoretical, Comparative,.

    Bücher bei Amazon.deA comparative analysis on housing.A Comparative Analysis between LIC and.
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    "Nationalism” has long been regarded as one of the most controversial phenomena among scholars. In addition, it has attracted many from various disciplines