Yueのブログ -3ページ目


I want to write I like to write. and I will write here what i want!

In the moonlit night a young boy tired of city life,
He went through the streets of the dark forest.
and only illuminated by the full moon.
He wanted to be alone, in peace flee from all.
him walking by little by little in the light,
He met her in his way.

She was a sweet fairy of the Night,
so damn beautiful.
and dark blue eyes, she was watching silently as the moon shone on her.
And it was so beautiful that shivered.

The his heart was beating strangely, stronger.
She is a fairy enchanted turned to him ..
she so lonely, but magical, it was so sad, and crying her tears.
Here a girl all alone and sad?
You want me to take you home?
you got lost?
guy, i'm a fairy, is sad to be alone.
I don't have a home.
it's my life!
He told her he had always been alone in the forest for a long time.

She was a sweet fairy of the Night,
so damn beautiful.
and dark blue eyes, she was watching silently as the moon shone on her.
And it was so beautiful that shivered.

He did not have anything for make her feel better.
but in a soft voice and kind he replied, stay with her, all the time she wanted to
and if it was necessary.
The fairy smiled said to her in tears, who was kind and in exchange for his presence, he danced and sang for him.

She was a sweet fairy of the Night,
so damn beautiful.
and dark blue eyes, she was watching silently as the moon shone on her.
And it was so beautiful that shivered.

The your presence makes me feel less alone, your words, every night and my tears.
Now you mean to me.
don't ever leave me.

She was a sweet fairy of the Night,
so damn beautiful.
and dark blue eyes, she was watching silently as the moon shone on her.
And it was so beautiful that shivered.

one day looking in the eyes even from meters away.
they realized that it was no longer a simple company, and a simple friendship.
Things get complicated he said,
I'm in love with you boy stranger,
and we can't be together.
Because I'm a fairy, and I live far away.
Not from of this world.
Him He had the heart to pieces when understand those words.
But one day she decided to fade out of nowhere, far away from him.

From the next day. him never she saw her never again.
She was a sweet fairy Night, And he so was in love with her like no other woman.

Will he meet her once again?
and what will happen?

stay tuned for part two.

