Sunset on the beach of Table View

The sunset on the beach of Table View, Cape Town, South Africa.

Die sononder op die strand van Table View, Kaap Stad, Suid-Afrika.


Jefferys Bay

The blue sky and white beach of Jefferys Bay, Eastern Cape, South Africa.

Die blou lug en wit strand vam Jefferys Baai, Oos-Kaap, Suid-Afrika.


Top of Table Mountain

The view from top of Table Mountain, Cape Town, South Africa.

Die uitsig van piek van Tafelberg, Kaap Stad, Suid-Afrika.


A sea gull on the wharf of Cape Town, South Africa.

'N seemeeu op die kaai van Kaapstad, Suid-Afrika.


On the beach of Table View.

On the beach of Table View, Cape Town, South Africa.

Op die strand van Table View, Kaap Stad, Suid-Afrika.


Love in Kruger.

Love of cheetahs in Kruger National Park, South Africa.

Liefde van jagluiperde in Kruger Nasionale Prakeraad, Suid-Afrika.



Contrast of the senery in Oudtshoon, Western Cape, South Africa.

Kontras van die uitsig in Outshoon, Wes-Kaap, Suid-Afrika.


Sunset on the beach of Table View

The sunset on the beach of Table View, Cape Town, South Africa.

Die sononder op die strand van Table View, Kaap Stad, Suid-Afrika.


On the beach of Table View

The view of Table Mountain from the beach of Table View, Cape Town, South Africa.

Die uitsig van Tafleberg van die strand van Table View, Kaap Stad, Suid-Afrika af.


Sunset on the beach of Table View.

The sunset on the beach of Table Bay, Cape Town, South Africa.

Die sononder op die strand van Table View, Kaap Stad, Suid-Afrika.
