やってみよう | Pの足らん系日記



Demonstration Only Adult Run Experiment:
Take an empty 2 Liter Soda bottle and using caution add 1 cup of 40 Volume (12%) Hydrogen Peroxide using a funnel.  Add a few squirts of Dawn Dish Soap.  Swirl gently.  Take one full packet of Dry Active Yeast and add it to 4 Tablespoons of very warm water.  Stir well.  Place 2 Liter bottle with Hydrogen Peroxide and Soap in a container and using a funnel add yeast mixture.  Immediately remove funnel and step back and watch the show!  The foam and bottle will be VERY warm - so please have an adult cautiously check the temperature before allowing children to play in the foam.  As with the above experiment, the soap foam is soap foam - no peroxide is left - so it is safe to handle once it has cooled.

My awesome friend Jeanette at Artchoo created an elephant-sized toothbrush craft after seeing this.  It's HILARIOUS.  You can check out her Elephant Toothbrush here!

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To make your own Elephant's Toothpaste you will need:
Close adult supervision
Safety goggles for your child if they are going to be involved in any mixing/pouring
Warm Water
Narrow-necked bottle (sized around 15 ounces)
Glitter (optional)

*6% (20 volume) Hydrogen Peroxide is a bit of a specialty item - you will need to find a nearby Beauty Salon Supply shop (or click the link to purchase it on Amazon).  The reaction will still work with 3% Hydrogen Peroxide (the kind you can buy at a drugstore or grocery), but it is much less dramatic.

Measure 1 teaspoon of yeast (half of one of those little pouches it comes in) into 2 Tablespoons of very warm water.  Mix well.

Into your narrow-necked bottle, add 1/2 cup of 6% (20 volume) Hydrogen Peroxide(I recommend an adult does this step for safety), any coloring you would like (Colorations Liquid Watercolors or Food Coloring), glitter (if you'd like), and a few squirts of Dawn Dish Soap.  Swirl it all carefully (this is another job I'd recommend an adult do for safety).

Place your bottle in a container to catch the mountain of foam (we used a glass baking dish), then add the yeast mixture through a funnel.  Quickly remove the funnel and enjoy the show!