I'm not just famous, I´m a living legend!
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single again


Eating with my sisters and a friend :) 




bathroom is done !!!

My bathroom is done now ! 

Whiiiooo ! 




A great day with sun

Woke up this morning and the sun was up , I just felt great in my heart that the summer soon will be here. 
I took a walk with my friend and my son to the market. We eat lunch at a good cafe we have here in Ockelbo グッド!
And 40 minutes later we took another walk ドキドキ Dominice was not to happy cuz he was tired and couldn't fall asleep. 

A walk with my dogs later at evening and now I'm in bed ready to sleep . 

Take care and smile グーぐぅぐぅ


Now I'm trying to get my son to sleep and then I need to clean up a bit at home. 
But to clean up a house with a lot of stuff everywhere dosn't work at all !

This is my bedroom right now 目




I just hope they are done at Friday !!! 

it's getting better

Finally they have build a new floor ! 
Tomorrow they will build the new bathroom floor and walls :) 
Soon it's all done !!! 


I hate this

My bathrum before 








My bathrum the last month !!




Trust me!
I hate it!
But when the new bathrum is done I will be extremely happy!


And this is how it looks like right now!
Whooopidooo プンプンドクロ

I can't shower , can't flush the toilet , can't wash my hand !!!
My son dosn't like this eighter :(



Happy Easter

Me and Dominice went to my mother ( Dominices grandma ) 
At Easter to be with the family.



it's finally over

As I wrote earlier in my blog when I was pregnant, I waited for 9 almost 10 months for Hamid ... The father !
He came back to me after 10 months and we were together until May 15 - 2014.
I was more hurt to be with him then be alone with my son. 
Now I take care of my son all alone 24/7 
365 days at year. 
But... I did that even if hamid was in my life, cuz he didn't care of Dominice at all!
Anyway it's for the best グッド!




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