We have a saying with the rainbow.

[don't cross the river when you see the rainbow in the morning]

If you cross the river seeing the rainbow in the mornig

you can't come back, because the volume of water of the river increase.

I saw the rainbow when I harvested carrots in the mornig.

this is a yellow cauliflower.

when I lived in London,

I had never seen it.

A cauliflower has to be protected from the sun,

because the color of it turns over by the sun.

I tie it up ↓

↓how to crop cauliflower

It is more popular than sandwich in Japan

called "ONIGIRI" or "OMUSUBI".

It is eaten at lunch, picnic, party and

as businessman work.
It is the most sales foods at

convenience store like Seven-Eleven in Japan.


you have never eaten

pepper miso "onigiri" .

Because it's just not famous!!!

but it's very delicious!!!

before I wrote about pepper miso with cucumber

in this blog.

It's hot and mild taste.

rice with pepper miso is best match!!!