Are you tired of your stubborn fat? Do you want to get rid of it by any means? If that’s the case, then you need to check out the suggestions included below. With these suggestions on your finger tips, you are sure to get the body shape that you have always dreamt of.

  • You need to increase your intake of protein. When it comes to fat loss, you need to increase your intake of protein by 55%. This helps you in maintaining your muscle mass and increases your rate of metabolism as well. You need to feed yourself on low fat protein sources such as egg whites, fish and chicken breasts.
  • Don’t overeat. Instead, it would be Auto parts aluminum die casting  best if you eat only seventy percent of what your body is able to take in. this will help you cut as much as three hundred calories from each of your meals.
  • Make sure you lift weight for as much as twenty minutes. You don’t need to do this repeatedly, lifting weights two times in a week together with some cardiovascular exercises is more than enough. This helps in building up your muscle strength and helps you lose fat as well. Keep in mind that the more lean muscle you are having, the more are your chances of fat loss.
  • Generally speaking, an obese person has a tendency to spend as much as two and a half hours more in a chair when compared with a slim person. Hence, if you too are one of those, then you need to walk to and from while talking on your cordless or cell phone, opt for the steps and not elevators, park your vehicle a bit farther from your office and much more.
  • Don’t go in for frequent weight check ups and get disappointed by the ups and downs. Instead, what you can do is check your weight once in a month and find out the result.
  • You can also purchase a pedometer. With the help of a pedometer, you can take a minimum of ten thousand steps so as to reach as well as maintain your weight loss goal.
  • If think that you are putting on excessive weight and are experiencing muscle and joint aches, having unusual facial puffiness, getting tired easily then this may indicate that you are suffering from thyroid problems. Thyroid may slow down your rate of metabolism, thereby leading to excessive weight gain. You need to get hold of the right medications so as to fix this problem.

When you are stressed out, your adrenal gland is likely to release the cortisol stress hormone that increases your appetite. In fact, the problem of overeating may also emerge if you are stressed out. You may seek refuge in comfort foods such as ice cream, chocolate, donuts, cookies, and potato chips. These goodies are high in carbs and elevate your serotonin levels. salty snacks may also raise your blood pressure and cortisol levels, thereby enhancing your hunger pangs.